The Era Of International Mankind Dreams Comes To An End
We live in an era of decision. A new valuation of the whole life has begun with the realization of the values of race and blood. Outwardly, it becomes visible in the forming of a new life style and of a new life will. The era of international mankind dreams comes to an end and with it the dream of a Christian idea of mankind that moved people for two millennia, without one getting even just one step closer to it.
Race and folk have been elevated to sacred ideas. They form the face of our time and the law for the future. Whatever serves this law is good and should continue to exist. Whatever does not acknowledge this law is bad and must change. Better yet, disappear. For a wolf’s coat might look good on a sheep, but it does not turn into a wolf. Whoever lived for two thousand years from mercy, cannot suddenly become a hero.
We stand in the beginnings of a strong time. That we stand at the beginning is no disadvantage for us. We are ahead of the others in that. Happy the human being who still stands before tasks, who has goals and work ahead of him. After all, we want to have no salvation. We feel fine in the beginnings. Our path leads back to our native kind. Yes, it leads into us. And hence we stride forward. Hence the future belongs to us as well.
It is as if the German folk today awakens from a thousand year dream and returns to itself like a boy who dreamt of angels and paradise and upon awakening must determine that life needs hard, world-secure men.
God has sent our folk a different and far path to unity and to youth. For while folks around us sicken and age, we stride toward the beginning. This beginning can only come from ourselves, neither from Rome nor from Judah.
God and Folk – Soldierly Affirmation is translated from the Third Reich original which was published by the Theodor Fritsch Verlang in Berlin. The author is not named.
Wewelsburg Archives publication (2018).