Real Eco-Fascism
Eco-Fascism: a trend that has seemed to come out of nowhere and captivate almost everyone within our circles. Starting with a newfound admiration of the Unabomber and his works, many young National Socialists have joined up with the ‘eco-gang’.
However, Eco-Fascism is not anything new. In fact, it has been a part of National Socialism since the beginning. The Aryan man has always been in touch with nature, and has always had a duty to protect the soil. By defending our race and our nations, we must also defend our soil, as that is what both race and nation are born out of.
Environmentalism always has and always will be an inherent part of National Socialism. If you truly adopt the National Socialist worldview, you must fully adopt Environmentalism–and therefore Eco-Fascism. Eco-Fascism defines a whole part of the National Socialist worldview. Eco-Fascism also serves as an extension of normal Environmentalism; it is a lifestyle that promotes living with Nature instead of against it or above it. That is how our ancestors lived, that is how Hitler wanted Europeans to live, and that is the only way we can live if we want our people to survive.
It seems that for the past 70 or so years, Eco-Fascism has simply been forgotten about–until now. With this revival of one of our ancient duties, there is great opportunity to reclaim the world for Aryan man. But there much work to be done. We must fully embrace the Eco-Fascist ideology and re-implement it into our current National Socialist doctrine. We cannot afford to go halfway on this, we require real Eco-Fascism.
It is time to get offline and go participate in real-life environmental activism. We cannot simply post neat pictures of Eco-Fascist propaganda online and expect it to make a difference. This requires actual participation. Fortunately, it is not very difficult to begin to live out this lifestyle. Get a few friends together and go on environmental clean-ups, volunteer at an animal shelter, or even start a community garden. There are Eco-Fascist groups solely dedicated to environmental activism popping up; join one and help them build. It is our duty as National Socialists to protect the environment–a duty we have been ignoring for far too long. There is tremendous opportunity to be had with Eco-Fascism, lets not waste it.