During the Yuletide, reflect on the Truth of Blood in this powerful video produced by Mimir’s Brunnr. The Volkish Prime truth is that race is everything–blood is everything.

“In a world of illusion, Blood remains the only truth. Blood was the first temple at the birth of religion. it was the first philosophy at the dawn of man. Blood is the unspeakable, for it came before the word. And all empires born of it, fell when they betrayed it. Blood is the Feoh and Ear, the beginning and the end and when threatened it demands all born of it to rise in its defense. This is the true Blood lust, the unquenchable thirst for life.

You as an incarnation of your sacred Blood, contain the hopes, dreams and combined efforts of all who came before. In your name wars have raged, countless heroes have fallen. All trials of nature were overcome, so that you may breath. The idea that bore you, by its will alone, has proven itself a force of nature. Unstoppable in its desire, unyielding in its arrogance. Nothing was spared that stood in its way.

The truth that is Blood, is immortal. It is the dwelling of all ancestral soul and failure to protect it, signals an end to all.You are the horizontal and the vertical, you are where blood and destiny meet, In this time you are its champion. It is you that stands before the eternal question and it is you that are charged with the answer.”

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