Early American settlers were inclined to believe themselves inhabitants of the the City Upon A Hill. We are now uniquely poised to become the people under the mountain, the Barbarossans of the New World. Our ascension began humbly but will, in the end, witness our triumph over the alien and the traitor.

At Volkish we pride ourselves on further hammering the wedge between the laws of Nature and the laws of Noah. As the remnants of the alt-right wallow in Buchananism we alone (almost) banish the specter that has been haunting our race for millennia. Expect to read more content detailing the categorical hostility between National Socialism and Christianity in the near future. Being “anti-” is never enough, though, so we will also deliver more insights into what Volkish means for global Aryandom.

I want to thank our readers and listeners personally for accompanying us on this voyage. 2019 is upon us and a new decade after that. Great endeavors begin with great dreams. Let history never accuse us of dreaming anything less than something marvelous!

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