God as Suicide
For two thousand years the Christian religion, with its hatred of the world, has found its symbol of life in the self-crucifixion of the creator of that world!
Ludwig Klages
The ‘ideal’ that is presented to our people is endless apology, subservience and meekness (cucking) to all other races on this planet—without end. This is now terminating in the physical suicide of our Volk all over the world.
Make no mistake, that picture above is a logical conclusion of Christianity. By inserting negro embryos into his wife, he is exercising his perverted will-to-power. Christianity is coming home again, completing its 2000 year cycle, from the scum of the ancient world to the scum of the modern world. Take off the artificial, concealing layers of hierarchy, ritual, ‘Germanization’ and other syncretic adaptations (mutations) of this virus and you find this…pure annihilation.
Luckily, this primitive, pure version of the faith is self-destroying. Take in the view from 20k feet and you will see that we are moving through an evolutionary bottleneck. This idiot and people like him are being selected out forever. It is an ugly process up close, but from afar it is beautiful and necessary.