On the Term “Multiculturalism
This term ‘Multi-Culturalism’ is a System word that we should never use.
It was created to confuse our people about what the true agenda actually is behind all the ‘one-world’ nonsense rhetoric. ‘Multi-culturalism’ wasn’t created to enlighten white people to the wonders of Chinese, African or Mexican civilizations but rather to justify the mass invasion of these people into our lands. And because the System makes it illegal for us to separate from these invaders once they get here, the result over time is that our blood is destroyed. Multiculturalism is just Mongrelization. That was always the aim and that will always be the result.
The ‘multi-cultural’ agenda has probably advanced the furthest here in the United States, and yet there isn’t a spectrum of vibrant organic cultures thriving in this land. There is only one dominant Jewish media produced mono-cultural that gradually absorbs and perverts everything else. First it destroyed our organic American folkways. Now it destroys the organic folkways of the foreigners who come here. Within one generation most these ‘immigrants’ are listening to hip-hop and addicted to TV just like most of us. The US is the cultural blackhole of the world. And the nexus of racial destruction.
Well, this is old, but would you then support non-white Nationalists who understand Europe is for Europeans as Mosley, Yockey, WLP, Rockwell, etc. did?
In truth, different peoples belong in different areas. The cold areas of earth should be white lands, as they are ours by blood: whites have the narrowest nostrils, best-suited for intake of cold air; blacks have the widest nostrils, evident of their ancestral land claim to only the hottest deserts on earth. While we may try to live in areas which aren’t suited to our blood, it will only be to one’s own discomfort to do so.
Whites belong in white lands; browns in brown lands; and so on. Whites and browns are brothers in chains now, until the ((parasite)) blood is annihilated. Just as soon as I’m finished securing my white people, don’t you think then I’d like to see you browns have the best go of it as well? I hate seeing good browns suffering at the hands of brown degenerates nearly as much as among my own people.