Combating Physical Degeneration
Post by Lucas Hood
For decades (at least) our enemies have promoted physical weakness among our Volk in an attempt to soften us up and make us more digestible. Fast food is subsidized and promoted by our tax money. So is soda, candy and all other junk food on the shelves in System stores. The weakest members of our Volk succumb to these temptations and are turned into physical monstrosities over time. Creature that have never existed before in known history.
Entertainment, the favorite pastime of our Volk, is largely a sedentary activity. Sports! are only ok as long as one follows the masses in cheering on racial aliens moving the ball across the field.
Why Should You Care?
You are Volkish. You have heard the Call of the Blood and now you must answer that call by fighting physical degeneration in yourself. If you do this you will look better, feel better and perform better in every aspect of your life. Getting rest, regular exercise and eating right is not just the Volkish way, it is the only way to live as a respectable human animal. Your ancestors demand this of you. The Gods and your unborn children demand this of you. I demand you accept this discipline, as it is a requirement of the Volkish way of life.
Taking the Fight to the Enemy
1. Most importantly get your sleep in check. Your body and mind need rest to heal and recover. 7-9 hours asleep–not laying in your bed on your phone until 3am.
2. Eat real foods. That means plants grown in nature and animals raised in a healthy environment. Avoid all fast food and manufactured food which does not grow in nature. You might have to actually cook for yourself. Granola and beef not cookies and chips, okay?
3. Move your body. Get regular physical exercise every day even if its just a brisk walk. If you think you get enough exercise from your job alone but you’re still fat then you aren’t exercising enough or you’re eating too much.
4. Moderate your use of drugs. That includes caffeine and alcohol and other socially acceptable drugs. If you require coffee or other stimulants in the morning just to function then you are an addict. Cut back. If you require a drink or other depressant just to relax or go to sleep then you are an addict. Again, cut back. Smoking anything is bad for your lungs.
5. Moderate your use of social media. Yes, even twitter (or Gab). They are unnatural surrogates for actual human interaction. Real life personal relationships, not how many likes you get on your post.
Attack Physical Degeneration Today!