Possessing The Youth
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Tell the elite of young [white] Americans what they have so long and doubtlessly waited to hear: not the economic advantages of ‘free enterprise’ to be reaped by helping some corporation sell more Coca-Cola or hair oil or paint remover, or the blessings of freedom to buy a mortgage in the suburbs, or running faster in the rat-race and raising children to be taught that Paradise is a place where humanoids with full bellies live in perpetual rut, but rather about honor, loyalty, race and Western man’s will to conquer or die.
Young men and women should not be summoned to a meeting of the Lady’s Missionary Society, but to a struggle against all odds. They need to be warned, not that lady-like conservatives must be careful to Love Everybody, but that the treason of the slimy (((Ganelon))) can be defeated only if the men of the West are still willing to die in the pass of Roncesvalles.
Revilo Oliver
The “Left” has owned idealism for a while. That needs to change.
There are thousands of young people who are possessed by Volkish ideas right now, and there will be millions more in the future. Our job is to inspire a reckless and daring idealism in them. Our mission requires total commitment from our Volk, but it is our youth in particular that must be the most dedicated.
The fact that most thought-leaders in our circles today encourage the young and would-be radical to play-it-safe is a terrible mistake. Why are we instructing them on how best to succeed in the anti-white system? Is it so they can plan for a comfy and secure retirement that will never come? Is it so they might become successful money-makers for our enemies?
When it’s not advice on how to best succeed in the System, the old ‘leaders’ advise the youth on how to best to run away and build their little stronghold away from all danger.
Doing this cheapens our message. We have the opportunity to inspire an entire generation with our Volkish vision, but most seem content to give our youth the boring old conservative bullshit from the past.
We don’t want our people in a defensive crouch, inching backwards, always looking around for a suitable table to hide under. We want people to be aggressive. We want them to start moving towards the battle that will come, not away from it.
Our greatest strength is that we offer what no one else can—deep meaning and real adventure. In every generation, the best part of the youth demands these two things in some form. If we don’t give it to them someone else will. Let’s make sure that they satisfy this craving by adopting OUR ideals—and not those of the enemy again.