Original Amerikaner Essay
This essay was originally posted on the TRS website in 2016 by the author “Low-Tnerb”. I am reposting it here as a compendium piece to the third Manifest Destiny show.
American nationalism is currently in a strange place. Although we have the strongest momentum of any Western right-wing movement thanks to Donald Trump, we are also, paradoxically, in the weakest position of any of them because we lack a clear ethnic or national identity beyond “shared values.” Trump promises to “make America great again,” but what does that really mean? He operates within civic nationalism in order to get away with saying the things he does, but unless we can make the rhetoric more specific and exclusionary, the future of American nationalism amounts to not much more than uttering the occasional platitude on the Constitution or squishy, generic Christianity.
When German or Swedish nationalism is spoken of, we know exactly to whom that refers, that is, ethnic Germans and ethnic Swedes, respectively. Who is American has never been so neatly or officially defined. Ultimately we need to be able to say clearly who the “we” is in our American nationalist movement, and the best way to do that is with a name. I propose White Europeans on the North American continent begin calling ourselves “Amerikaners”.
Why not stick with “American”? Because “Amerikaner” connotes ethnicity and rootedness and distances ourselves from the disastrous ideals of America and all that it entails. And we are indeed a unique ethnic group, tied to a specific land with customs, culture, and traditions all our own. It is true that everyone thinks of White Europeans when they hear “American”, but legally any hominid within the arbitrary geographic boundary of the American state can become a U.S. citizen, and thus, an American. “Amerikaner” is the exclusionary identity we need.
One of the first things to come to mind when hearing “Amerikaner” will obviously be the Afrikaners. Soon after that will be an objection to naming ourselves after a people that has lost control of their country and is currently being genocided. Well, I hate to break it to you, but that is us.
The parallels between Boers and Amerikaners are fascinating, but the divergences speak in our favor. Both nations colonized a continent and fought the British, though we were more clearly victorious and maintained our independence. Both nations have a long, storied history with Black Africans. And while Boers directly fought their Blacks, Amerikaners more or less kept them in line and so far have not been forced to relinquish private property to them as Afrikaners have. Boers and Amerikaners are also both historically Protestant nations that maintain a spirit of rugged individualism and enthusiasm for firearms as part of their defining national character. In fact, according to Wikipedia,
The Boers of the frontier were known for their independent spirit, resourcefulness, hardiness, and self-sufficiency, whose political notions verged on anarchy but had begun to be influenced by republicanism. Most of the men were also skilled with the use of guns as they would hunt and also were able to protect their families with them.
Perhaps the most important similarity between our two nations is that we were both subverted by Jews. However, again, Amerikaners remain in a more advantageous situation than our Boer counterparts. In much the same way that they were involved in the American “Civil Rights” movement and the promotion of anti-White propaganda in American media, Jews played a leading role, globally and within, in the ending of South African apartheid. The infamous photo of Nelson Mandela and Yossel “Joe” Slovo standing together with fists raised in front of the Communist flag is representative of just how far the partnership between Jews and the revolutionary ANC government went in South Africa.
On the surface it would seem that “Amerikaner” is not a good linguistic fit for our cultural heritage. Seen another way, though, “Amerikaner” is a Germanic word fitting of the Germanic spirit those of us choosing to consciously separate from the American experiment are cultivating. We value fidelity to our people over all others. We prize strength, both mentally and physically, over weakness. We are conquerors of a continent, lovers of nature, and builders of technological wonders.
“Amerikaner” works because it is not asking us to pretend to be something we are not, as so many other American ethnonationalist projects have done. We are not “Avalonians” or “New Rhodesians”. We are simply the “pagan” Americans that disbelieve in the legalistic Lockean cult and refuse to surrender our noble history. We probably could have remained Americans had things gone differently, but we became Amerikaners as a result of our dispossession. Intentionally setting ourselves apart is the first step in reclaiming our birthright.
I remember reading this when it first come out on TRS
Was the old Manifest Destiny your favorite show? (rhetorical)