The Longest Con
What if you discovered that the religion your people had been following for over a thousand years was wrong? That the central myth and ethical system every institution in your civilization was founded on…was false. What if you further came to realize this faith system was not only false, but in reality, a malicious lie? A lie that was shoved down the throats of your ancestors–at the point of a blade–by an alien people, for the purpose of controlling and degrading them?
How would you set things right? Where would you even begin?
The obvious first step on the road to sanity and independence, would be to acknowelge that this disaster did in fact happen. This is something that countless ‘traditional conservatives’–the supposedly learned guardians of our civilization—have refused to do. Why? Anyone with an internet connection today and a good library a hundred years ago could have figured it out. Did they know and not say? Maybe asking these questions publicly was simply too much to stomach for their time. Or perhaps it is because they themselves are apart of the general sickness; their minds rotted by centuries of Western Christian delusions. Whether their failure to speak this truth and ask these questions was due to ignorance, cowardice or something esle doesn’t matter now. They have failed and their time is past.
Now it is time to face the truth. It’s time to…face the music. We must finally accept that we have been going down the wrong path all this time–that we have been developing and manifesting the Jewish vision of the world—and not our own. We must accept that–where it counts–the Christian and Jewish religions are one in the same. Both claim the Jews are the special, sole mediators between man and the divine. That they have a monopoly on god and truth. In this system, nothing is ever mentioned about our ancestors and our special destiny in this world. We are merely one lump of the giant biomass called “humanity” that the Jews must tirelessly “tend to”. It is truly an embarrassment that we have been willing to not only tolerate this nonsense for so long, but to repeatedly offer ourselves up as tools in its terrible mission. Why do we accept this? How did it come to this?
The answer is that when Christianity was forced on us over 1000 years ago, we were essentially mutilated at birth–denatured right from the start. The conscious, organic connection we once had to our past was almost entirely severed in this process of “Christianization”. Our native myths and histories were destroyed, distorted and replaced with false ones. We swallowed the poison pill and have been sick ever since, trying to digest it.
Some people, even after hearing all this, still claim that we can ‘make it work’. That there is something to salvage from this alien faith that has harmed us so unceasingly, and is now pushing us over the final cliff. Instead of wasting time arguing about what is or isn’t ‘true’ Christianity and the significance of particular historical events, I’d rather those people consider this simple question posed by William Gayley Simpson, one of our greatest prophets;
“Can the Western White man, especially Nordic Western man, ever fully repossess his own soul until he has thrown off this alien religion?”
The answer is as clear as sunlight to me. We must throw off this alien religion if we want our soul back–if we want to live. Unfortunately, most of us have been serving the the lie for so long now that we don’t even know who we are anymore. We are lost and must now trace back our steps–all the way to our uncorrupted origins, as much as this is possible.
We will begin again from the beginning. In this quest, nothing will be beyond scrutiny. Practices and values that we have held for generations will be tossed away. We will look back thousands of years if necessary, in order to find solid ground to re-build on. Other problems will require us to come up with solutions that have never been tried before in recorded history. It will be an exciting and terrible adventure. But it is one that must happen if we are to survive and set things right.
“As an Italian Catholic, I’ve never dealt in my life with the kind of Medievalist Deus Vult Monarchist larping I’ve seen in Trad Catholic American Twitter circles. I can assure you, no one in Europe remotely thinks this way.”
This is how Rod Dreher will be remembered:
“You place your craft beer on level pegging with an icon Rod. You’ve no room to accuse anyone else of LARPing.”