Kai Murros: The Coming British Civil War
Since the passing of Jonathan Bowden earlier this decade, I must say Kai Murros now takes the crown for ‘best Volkish orator’. Murros is usually better at writing his speeches than delivering them (English is not his first language), but with this one he nails the delivery. Listen here.
There is nothing more moving than a man speaking with passion and force. The written word withers before it. Think about the effect a powerful speech has on a man. The speech moves him to action. Good writing–no matter how insightful–just sends him deeper into thought, deeper into his head.
Give a good speech and a crowd is seized. It rises to its feet in rage or breaks out in tears! You have them–everyone feels the same energy. For this reason the talented speaker, who can reach the common people, is the biggest threat to the System. They would prefer that we remain placid and demoralized.
My favorite line from Murros’s speech:
There is nothing more beautiful in this world than the idealism and fanaticism of the young people. When they, in quest for truth, surpass their own parents in resolve and determination. When they demand from themselves much more than their parents ever did. And when their ultimate sacrifice puts us all to shame…We all know their kindness and charm. But we will also come to witness how their hearts turn into stone when they have to face the enemy.
and of course this one:
How could the vile and degenerate ever understand those who have been touched by WOTAN?
Seized by Wotan is more accurate. Wotan doesn’t just touch your spirit, he grabs it by the nape, shakes life into it, and sends it off into glory.