White nationalists on the grounds of the University of Virginia in Charlottesville. MUST CREDIT: Photo for The Washington Post by Evelyn Hockstein
Himmler’s SS Knights: Who Were They? Part 3
these are the ideal SS recruits. you may not like it, but…
Virtually all of the available evidence overwhelmingly supports the contention that Adolf Hitler’s party ‘came to power as a party of the youth’.
Between the founding of the party and Hitler’s assumption of state power, the average age of new recruits from the NSDAP was 30 years of age. This was in sharp contrast to the senile establishment parties of Weimar Germany, whether they were conservative or liberal. Only the Communists could boast comparable numbers among the youth.
But members of the SS were even younger still—most were around 25 years old, and half were under 23. More than anything else it was these alienated and disillusioned youth who finally took down the old system, the rebellion of youthful Germany against the Weimar gerontocracy—capitalized on deep seated disaffection and successfully mobilized German youth.
But why were so many young men clamoring to join the SS at that time? The answer becomes clear when one considers ‘generational dynamics’ (here is a run-down of the theory). It is often claimed that Himmler’s legions and National Socialist fighters in general were made up of the alienated veterans of the Great War. This is only party true. The men who experienced combat in France often led the street battles of the early 1920’s (and they also made up the men in the famed Freikorps). But they did not fill out the ranks of the SS leadership—that was done by the generation immediately following the so-called Lost Generation.
Most SS leaders were too young to have fought in WW1 (1914-1918), but instead watched as children while the old world of Europe was destroyed. These children entered adulthood in a post-war Germany of diminished opportunity and outrageous decadence—and they blamed their elders for it. This new generation longed for the destruction of the Weimar system and all that came with it, for these were the fruits of parental misdeeds. The enthusiasm, energy, and élan of national socialism, it is argued, appealed especially to this segment of the population, which believed that political problems are best resolved by violent methods rather than deliberation and reason. I can’t help but think how similar the sentiment is today among the Millennial generation, who have no patience with the ‘democratic’ system and heap loads of scorn on their oblivious Boomer parents.
Laugh at the white polo and khakis of the Charlottesville guys if you want (I have), but the truth is that these are the kind of people who will end up staffing and leading the future American SS.
Wait, an American SS? Yes, something roughly equivalent to Himmler’s organization will begin to form up in the next decade in North America—the stars are aligning. The oppression and stress that young white millennials are under, the weakness that they seem to embody currently will soon be transmuted into something glorious; pressure makes diamonds.
Young white men are being pushed out of the few remaining decent jobs in the System—with ever increasing aggression. And all while they are publicly shamed and harassed for supposedly lording their ‘white privilege’ over the brown masses that replace them. Something will break, because they are being denied everything that makes it possible to live a proud, fulfilling life. Someone will create a structure that will allows these men to pursue their Destiny, just like the National Socialists did 100 years ago. [The] Nazis provided a vehicle for the ambitions of a younger generation which, during the Weimar period, had felt frustrated by what they regarded as the ossified structures and hidebound establishment of the older generation which was no longer capable of providing Germany with the dynamic leadership that was required to solve a great national crisis.
The ‘Left’ can’t and won’t provide that vehicle—it didn’t in Germany then, and it won’t today in America. Young whites desperately want–and will soon demand–a real folk community to replace the racial chaos of false ‘multiculturalism’ they have grown up in.
And again, it will be the new generation—especially the ‘students’—who will lead the charge. We couldn’t ask for a better revolutionary class than the debt burdened young whites, who after being scammed by the false college credentialing system, increasingly recognize they have no stake in the continuation of the status quo. Let us recognize and assemble this growing army and inspire them to march the path that Fate has laid out for them!
From series: Part two and Part one
*Note: Quotes, statistics and graphs in this piece are taken from Herbert F Ziegler’s work Nazi Germany’s New Aristocracy: The SS leadership, 1925-1939, published in 1989.*