Nothing Happens Until People Know What They Actually Want
Only those who are convinced themselves that they will be successful can also convince others and inspire them to join the struggle. Optimism and success often go hand in hand, and can be very contagious. Nothing breeds success like success. It is always better to be over confident and arrogant than desperate and frustrated, because nobody likes those who have lost all hope. The defeated will have no followers.
Our most powerful weapon in this struggle is our absolute conviction that we will win. But if you want to win, you have to be there already. You have to behave as if you have already won. Being right means that you are also luckier than others. And indeed, if you really look at it, you will see that everything that happens today serves, in the end, only our cause. Only we have the historical momentum.
People need visions. People follow visions. People will even die for visions. The ills of this world do not move masses, no matter how bad things are. Nothing happens until people know what they actually want. Until they have a dream to fight for, to kill for, to die for…
Our story has to be about hope lost and hope rekindled. And it has to end in a gigantic victory with the promise of a glorious future.
Kai Murros, from a speech given at the London Forum (11/17/2012)