Ask Not About Reward And The Afterlife. Ask: How Can I Serve My Folk?
Poor Germans! As basis of your faith you take the history of a foreign folk, precisely the Jews. Don’t you have any history of your own? Must you then always search for the foreign, where the native lies so close? The history of our folk is our holy scripture. It is written with blood. When I today look into the Old testament with non-Christian eyes, this unholy scripture, then I am gripped by a sacred rage how long one fed us Germans with this scoundrel stories; in us simply, blind, harmless Germans killed the faith in ourselves so that Jewry would appear in the right light. Between the lines I then see the Jew grinning, the eternal denier and destroyer, this parasitical, chosen devil folk. As long as we were not seeing, so long were we poor.
Take this book and burn it at consecrated sites! Carry the flames into your hearts! They are the light. And thank God that he sent to you a leader! That is the day of the Lord, on which the chains break.
We contest that the folks and races of the earth can reach their God only on a single path, through Christ. We contest that this path as once only revelation is dictated for them for all time. That without it they are the devil’s base creatures. People are not divided into Christian and heathens. For they are all religious and heathen at the same time. God created people according to races and folks and set his faith into the blood of each. Meaning of creation is that each blood takes its own path according to the laws of its kind, which we acknowledge as divine.
And where should this kind not be at work deeper and purer than in the faith that binds the hearts to God! It is not our task to force a new faith upon German man or to teach new ideas and forms. We only want to awaken energies and yearnings that since primeval times slumber in German hearts like a pile of wood that needs a spark from outside in order to ignite and blaze brightly upward to the sky. If the Germans are Germans again and follow the pure voice of their blood, then they come to German faith on their own.
For if they do not even speak German to their God, if religiously they cannot even feel and yearn according to their nature, that means at the very bottom of their great soul, what are they then?
Faith to us is not a means for salvation from the woe of this earth. It is the expression of a folk’s deepest energies of its essence, eternal obligation man to god to live in the community in which we have been born.
Faith for us is not right of blessedness, rather duty to the struggle for folk and blood. It is all the same to us, whether in the eyes of a Christian academia we hence deserve heaven or hell. For the following thing totally separates us from Christianity:
We want no reward in the form of a carefree continued life after death. That is liberal, Jewish merchant spirit! You, believe, pray, confess, fast and do penitence, then heaven is certain for you! No! Work, fight and believe in your folk! Ask not about reward and ask not for your life! Ask: How can I serve my folk? Live accordingly, then you have done your duty!
God and Folk – Soldierly Affirmation is translated from the Third Reich original which was published by the Theodor Fritsch Verlang in Berlin. The author is not named.
Wewelsburg Archives publication (2018).
Hello, I know this a older article but I was wondering who did the art for this article and where I can get more ? Thank you.