Video of the Week: The Real Problem Is White Weakness
This is a powerful speech. All of us know that we are not living up to our true potential, as a Volk and individually. This is the kind of speech our people need to hear right now. We need tough love.
I found this comment under the same video reproduced on a different account;
“I was there in person when this speech was made and by the end the audience was all one with each other and there were tears. Less than 3 years later my youngest son was born and in a round about way was because of this speech!”
The core message of Beam’s talk is this:
We have become a weak, uncaring, lazy, thoughtless, self-centered, greedy, materialistic people. The results of that is AMERICA! Go out the gates and see what the results is–did you forget. You gave us that!…
Now, that’s the bad news. The good news is YOU DON’T HAVE TO BE THAT WAY! It’s not in you the be that way, in fact THE OPPOSITE IS IN YOU! YOU CAN BE STRONG! YOU CAN BE BRAVE! YOU CAN WIN!
We can overcome these people! You CAN deny them authority of you! But you got to WANT to! And you got to quit believing the lies you’re told! That’s the good new. The good news is you can win, if you want to.
…But do you want to…do you want to?
Louis Beam makes great points. Jews are only as strong as Whites are weak. If Whites refuse to allow their enemies domination over them nothing can hold the White race back. The huge advance in power that Jews and the coloured races have achieved since 1945 is not really a case of them taking that power themselves but rather a case of Whites empowering their enemies and ceasing to fight for their own race due to the influence of Jewish ideology, in particular Christianity and Marxism, over the White race.
Sometimes I think the White Genocide that began in 1945 is really a case of white suicide and is caused by Whites own weakness than the Jews. Jews recognized White suicide and took advantage to genocide Whites. Really if the White race decides to survive there’s little the Jews can do. The global situation would return to what the West was up to WWI, with Whites being dominant over the coloured races but having the Jews on their back like a parasite. Unless Whites make a concerted attempt to deal with the Jews once and for all that is.
As Cesar Tort speaks about on his blog The West’s Darkest Hour, the key issue is the Aryan Question: Why has the White race behaved as it has throughout the millennia, even before it allowed Jews to influence it?
Great site guys, I’ll be reading it regularly.
Thanks for the thoughtful reply. Jews make war through deception. And they rule through deception. 99% of White people are not aware that they are being ruled by Jews. When Jews forget this fact–that their power is based on concealment–is when they loose (temporarily). The chutzpah gets overwhelming.
White genocide didn’t begin in 1945–that has been ongoing for centuries. There were just fewer barriers remaining to hold back the assault after NS Germany fell. They have been chipping away at our defenses for 2k years–probably longer. The first and most important victory they had was corrupting our view of God or the Divine–getting in between us and the Sacred with their (((christianity))). Our connection to our own history and roots was severed as a result as well.
I dont believe in the White suicide meme. Properly educated Whites are not suicidal–again see NS Germany. The terrible secret (that the Jews no doubt understand) is that all their work can be undone in a single generation. They are the ones who are precariously ‘riding the tiger’ not us.