The White Death
Life in ZOG makes all of us miserable from top to bottom, but no one suffers like the poor. That is a truth for all time. Politicians have spent the last century (and more) flattering the proles. They fill their asses up with so much smoke every four years, it’s no wonder why so many of them are bloated and can hardly walk. But all the while, the elite of today is betraying and abandoning these same people. The din of their endless pandering masks the plain truth; that they have cut these people loose. Aliens are allowed to prey on them from every direction. They are fed a never-ending amount of poisonous food. And every generation, the white working class is stampeded into another disastrous war.
Your elites would have to really hate you to move Somalians into your neighborhood.
The big new front in the war the elites are waging against us is “the opiod crisis”. Last year 70k people died from overdoses. Less Americans died during the entire Vietnam war. They are driving our people to suicide; through job loss, through anti-white media assault, and finally by dumping colored invaders into every last white town. The message is loud and clear: you have no future, you are not wanted, please die quietly.
Opioid deaths will be crucial in social security and medicare cost cutting
The White Death. Study these graphs. Small-town Americans everywhere are being driven into post-communist Russia levels of despair and suicide.
If a town hasn’t been turned in to a playground for the elite (aka there is no college or resort that money gets pumped into) then there is nothing to save the people from the trap of post-industrial poverty. Going ‘back to the land’ is also not an option for them, as it might have been for their forefathers. Rural counties are automated farming wastelands, dominated by greedy mega-producers and their non-white slave labor force.
It would be a wrong to understand this crisis as some kind of mistake. The want this to happen. It’s not entirely clear whether the elite decided to have a heroin boom just to make money, or kill goyim, or why choose between two goods if you don’t have to? Notice that there are no Waco or Ruby Ridge-style raids of the Mexican drug cartels. The Taliban eliminated opium in Afghanistan; by 2003 it was the largest producer again. In 2012, the total number of opioid doses prescribed to Ohio patients soared to 793 million – enough to supply every man, woman and child in the state with 68 pills each.3 In 2016 alone, 2.3 million Ohio patients – roughly 20% of the state’s population – were prescribed an opioid drug.
Our people are on the ropes. And as the rising Volkish elite we have a duty to protect them. The working class makes up the broad foundation of our Volk, without them there is no society at all. In some ways, they are the Volk. Nevertheless, it’s time for some tough love—the kind Louis Beam was throwing down in his speech. We will address the failings of the proles next week, but I felt it would be in bad taste not to speak about this issue first.