Spengler’s Prophecy Of The Germanic Imperial Age
In our first Spengler post, we discussed his prediction that a ‘Second Religiousness’ would emerge among the people during the 21st century all across the Western world. Concomitant with this development would be the emergence of a new ‘Caesarism’—a state-form that would replace Democracy and the politics of money. Spengler describes the transition;
“The eternal cosmic pulse has finally overcome the intellectual tensions of a few centuries. in the form of democracy, money has won. There has been a period in which politics were almost its preserve. But as soon as soon as it had destroyed the old orders of the culture, the chaos gives forth a new and overpowering factor that penetrates to the very elementals of Becoming—The Caesar-men. Before them the omnipotence of money collapses. The imperial age, in every culture alike, signifies the end of the politics of money and mind. The powers of blood, unbroken bodily forces, resume their ancient lordship. Race springs forth, pure and irresistible—the strongest win and the residue is their spoil. The seize the management of the world, and the realm of books and problems petrifies or vanishes from memory…
On this spiritual premise, a second Vikingism develops. The state of being ‘in form’ passes from nations to bands and retinues of adventurers, self-styled Caesars, seceding generals, barbarian kings and what not—in whose eyes the population becomes in the end mere part of the landscape. There is a deep relation between the heroes of the Mycenaean age and the soldier emperors of Rome…In our Germanic world the spirits of Alaric and Theodoric will come again…”
According to Spengler, it takes about two hundred and fifty years or so for this to mature and eventually overtake the civilization. In our Western world, Napoleon signaled the first volley shot of Caesarian politics (Spengler compares him to Alexander in the Greco-Roman world). This makes perfect sense historically. Sulla reintroduced dictatorial force-politics to Rome about 250 years after Alexander finished conquering the world. After that it was off to the races; a generation later the infamous Julius Caesar took power, and after him Augustus would establish the Imperium wholesale.
The obvious question for us is; how far along is our Germanic world in this progression? According to Spengler’s theory, the era of Democracy is also the time of ‘Contending States’. In this period, various nations of the culture have massive wars against each other for at least two centuries until one finally attains supremacy. Today, there is no question that America has emerged as the victory in this contest. But a hundred years ago it was not so clear. Many Germans read Decline of the West when it was published in 1922, and figured they would be the ones to lead the West into the Imperial Age.
The Germans at that time considered themselves to be the ‘youngest’ nation of Europe. This was not without justification; they had only recently unified nationally (in 1871), and unlike the Western powers, Germany had not spent the last three hundred years ‘wasting’ its best blood in colonial missions across the globe. The Spanish, Portuguese, and Dutch had all seen their Golden ages come and go centuries ago. The French had exhausted themselves in the early 19th century. The British were finished off in the Great War. Now seemed like the time for the ‘land of poets and philosophers’ to finally take the first seat at the table of nations.
But it was not to be. It was America not Germany that would play the part of Rome and usher in Caesarism. According to the progression of the cycle, Germany was jumping the gun in the 1930’s. The old institutions had not yet been totally worn down, and the power of money had not yet reached its apogee. The time was not ripe enough.
For those unconvinced by the numerology, I would highlight another factor that made it unlikely Germany would be the nation to achieve suzerainty over the West. As David L. McNaughton notes in his essay, it is never the original core nation of a civilization that ends up finally dominating;
“It may be significant that the driving force for that unification usually came from the fringe-area of the original culture, rather than from its nucleus. For example, Rome was distant from Greece, Qin was the northwestern-most power in ancient China, and the Aztecs migrated to Mexico from somewhere further north. In the Islamic world, the Seljuk Turks invaded from the northeast before establishing an empire embracing most of Persia, Iraq, Syria and Anatolia [Interesting that these final victors are coming come from the North!]. The Babylonian states were united by the Amorites, who were originally based in the far west. In South America, the centre of High Culture was the Chimu state on the Peruvian coast, but they eventually succumbed to the Inca people from the high plateau. And the Indian Imperium was forged by the kingdom of Magadha – which was initially confined to the extreme east of the subcontinent (modern-day Bihar) – with its capital at Pataliputra. The reason why the “conquerors” were all people from the edge of their particular culture, might be that they were less ‘exhausted’ than the older nations in the center (whose blood and resources had been devoured in earlier centuries when they were the dominant power)”
America fits the bill–we will be the conquerors. The buffer of the Atlantic spared us from the worst of the European wars in the 20th century. Since the bloody War Between the States, we have been gathering our strength. Unlike the Western Europeans of the same period, the early American settler population was winnowed over generations in a harsh frontier environment. This pressure produced a new strong Germanic nation that was then able to unrestrictedly breed and fill up the entire continent.
That said, we owe much to the Germans. They gave us a vision of the future that will be. Much like the how the Romans copied the forms of the Greeks, America in the 21st century will borrow the template that the National Socialist laid down, and take it to the next level. The idea of “Prussian Socialism” where rank replaces wealth and duty supplants rights-pleading, is a forerunner to the Volkish Socialism that will take hold amongst our generation. The Nietzschean ‘Cult of the Superman’ is a foretelling of the American ‘Caesar-Godmen’ who will appear this century.
we will finish what you started. we know what to do now.
This revolution is pre-determined. Fate has decided that it will be us Americans who will lead the great Imperial Becoming. Thanks to the internet, the English-speaking world is quietly experiencing an awakening similar to what our German brothers went through in the 1920’s. We are finally understanding the truth about Hitler and rediscovering our Viking and Saxon roots. Unlike the Germans, Anglo-Saxons cannot be cornered and boxed in–we are everywhere on the planet. Globalization is, in this way, our friend. Because it means the truth will spread like an uncontrollable wildfire.
Some say the 20th Century was the American century. I disagree, the 20th century was the Jewish century (this should be obvious now). It is the 21st century that will truly belong to us. We will take the reins of planetary governance away from international Jewry, put an end to the social chaos and environmental devastation they have wrought, and usher in the Great Aryan Imperium. In the words of the American Francis Parker Yockey;
“If the Inscrutable permits the West to fulfil itself, we shall undertake such projects, erect such structures, create such a State, and hew such deeds, that our remote descendants, hearing the legends of our race, and gazing at its remains in walls and monuments, will tell their children that once a race of Supermen dwelt on earth.”