Only When Germanic Man Hits Rock Bottom Does He Finally Understand
Hence the birth hour of true to nature thought and faith is the death hour for Christianity. We Germans are called upon by fate as first to break with Christianity. It should be an honor for us.
Christianity resembles a temple that human hands have piled up out of stones. Many generations have worked on it. But the work rested for a few centuries. Meanwhile, time has weathered it, and the weather has gnawed at its stones. Today, as one prepares to give it a roof, the foundation walls collapse. For they have become rotten and full of cracks. So the whole building must collapse even before it was finished.
German faith will work differently. It will grow like an oak, on homeland soil and under German sky. And from its fruits new energies will be born again and again, new seed. It will defy the storms and the ages, strong and young, as long as there is a Germany.
One says to us today: You cannot erase from history a thousand years of Christianity and replace it with a new faith.
We do not want to remove Christianity from history. What happened, happened. One will one day characterize Christianity as a tragic necessity for the Germans. The German folk, after long straying, has finally found its way home and, after bitter suffering and grave disappointment, had to fight hard for its faith. That is good. For the German must first lie on the ground before he becomes seeing. But when he then sees, he never again let’s go. Yes, we want to begin a new German era. We renounce the faith of the past. We do not shun scorn and punishment for the deed we find good. What have you Christians done then? You have ignored a many thousands of years long development of Germanic man and his world of faith. You have forced upon him a doctrine that is not German. You have taught to despise the ancestors and have not asked about their yearning and about their faith. But today the ancestors stand up. And your dogma remains no more than an episode in the mighty space of German man!
When will Hermann the liberator and not Christ finally become the German hero of the first half millennia?
“God and Folk – Soldierly Affirmation” is translated from the Third Reich original which was published by the Theodor Fritsch Verlang in Berlin. The author is not named.
I assume that Hermann the Liberator is referring to Hermann of the Cherusci tribe?
Yep, exactly.
I read that book, really motivating.
The sooner we cast off the chains of Christianity and the other eastern cults the better for the entire planet.