A Hard Glint Comes Into My Eye: A Reply To Enemies
Our enemies would interrupt me to cry. “Who is this man whom you justed quoted but that chauvinist, White-supremacist Houston Stewart Chamberlain? And what is all his talk about consciousness of ‘pure race’ but racist moonshine?”
A hard glint comes into my eye when I hear these words, and I say in reply: “I know you, you mortal enemy of my people: I know you well. And I know that it is because of your very awareness that you can destroy us only by first destroying our race consciousness that you have so smeared and damned, and belittled those men who should be our racial prophets and mentors and guides, until today, besotted by your teaching and suggestion, we as a people ignore them, sneer at them and reject them.
But so well do the enlightened among us now understand you and what you are up to, that to us all your smearing and damning is only an indication of what we should the more look to and hold for our salvation. The very men of whom you have been at such pains to mock, even in our universities—Gobineau, Chamberlain, Spengler, Madison Grant, Lothrop Stoddard, H.F.K. Guenther—yes, and Adolf Hitler and George Lincoln Rockwell, too—we will gather up from the scrap heap where you have thrown them and done your best to bury them, and we will wash them clean that they may be seen in a true light for what they were, and will set them up before us as our exemplars, our teachers, our heroes and our inspirers.
The great truth is, as declared in my last chapter, that breed is everything, race is everything. What any people does, or is able to do, is determined above all else by what is has in its gene pool. We white men must therefore be intransigent, defiant, adamant and scornful in trampling underfoot every bit of teaching and every contemptuous pronouncement designed to expunge ‘race’ from our consciousness. In our ears, all human history chat race, race, race—as a Hindu chants his mantras. And we will chant race in unison with it. Damn ‘racism’ all you like, you sharp, sly little men, we will the more think race and live race; and our song of race, chanted with the heartbeat of the universe, and with the example of all great makers of history held aloft before us as a banner, will yet drown out all your curses and silence your sophistry, and at last set us back once more on our own true course.
You know as well as we do that we speak the truth, that the truth is with us, and for this reason you try so desperately to stamp it out of us. But against your cunning and sneaking and deception we will set our honesty, our forthrightness, our courage, our love, and our willingness to die so our people may live. We will yet rouse them, and unite them in a new awareness of the greatness that is in them, of the glory of the record that is behind them, of the beauty of their traditions, the soundness of their values, and the health of their deepest instincts when fully aroused.
William Gayley Simpson, “Which Way Western Man”