This Time The World: Carl Jung And Wotan’s Unfinished Business
As a personification of a dominant psychic force peculiar to the Germans, Wotan supposedly did not die with the advent of Christianity but disappeared deep into the collective unconscious, where he “remained invisible for more than a thousand years, working anonymously and indirectly”. When the “Christian God proved too weak to save Christendom from fratricidal slaughter” in WW1, the one-eyed wanderer “laughed and saddled Sleipner”. Bursting forth with the force of a hurricane, Wotan raged through the land, seized the Germans like a mighty wind that “overthrows everything that is not firmly rooted”. According to Jung, “the fathomable depths of Wotan’s Character” and the “irrational psychic force” of the paramount “German god” explains more about National Socialism than would any reference to economic or political processes (Jung 1947) …
In a letter to racial mystic Miguel Serrano of September 14th 1960, Jung reiterated his basic argument from the 1936 Wotan essay: “When…the belief in the god Wotan vanished and nobody thought about him anymore, the phenomenon originally called Wotan remained; nothing changed but its name, as National Socialism had demonstrated on a large scale. A collective movement consists of millions of individuals, each of who shows the symptoms of Wotanism and prove thereby that Wotan in reality never died, but has retained his original vitality and autonomy. Our consciousness only imagines that it has lost its Gods; in reality, they are still there and it only needs a certain general condition to bring them back in full force”. Jung continued by issuing a warning that Wotan was bound to return forcibly. “We have largely lost our Gods,” Jung lamented. As “the actual condition of our religion” did not offer an “efficacious answer to the world situation in general and to the religion of communism in particular,” he believed that “we are very much in the same predicament as the pre-National-Socialist-Germany of the Twenties, i.e., we are apt to undergo the risk of a further, but this time world-wide Wotanistic experiment…”
In essence, then Wotansvolk paganism is at its core an esoteric Aryan nationalist creed whose greater working represents a racist recasting of Jung’s mystical quest to “illuminate the obscurity of the Creator”, or “to serve the function of making God conscious” of himself as God. By projecting deep into the abyss of the Aryan unconscious, Wotansvolk attempts nothing less than to illuminate the dormant gods of the blood, thus resurrecting the self-consciousness of the race of itself as a race. This will empower Aryan man to emerge victorious in the approaching Ragnarok and usher in a renewed golden age populated by heroic Aryan man-gods.
-Mattias Gardell, Gods of the Blood: Pagan Revival and White Separatism (2003)
“The first obligation of any church in our multicultural society is to minister to the tribal or group needs of its own congregation and to ensure its long term survival. The second purpose is to minister to the spiritual needs of individual congregants as a means of enhancing this first purpose. But instead of this, our churches behave like governments, extracting resources from their congregants and shipping these resources off to some remote bureaucracy that busies itself buying souls in Africa and, when that fails, buying guns for groups whose mission is to ethnically cleanse Africa of anyone who happens to look like the congregants who supplied the money.
When is the last time you heard of a Christian Church that identified exceptionally intelligent children from their own congregations, mentored those children in their studies and then provided financial aid for college?
When was the last time you entered a Christian Church and found the pastor encouraging the successful parishioners to share information with fellow parishioners that might have a practical value, such as job availability, and careers and fields that are growing? On the contrary, our modern clergymen assume class divisions among their flock will make parishioners uncomfortable discussing opportunities and strategies with one another. They assume, and thus perpetuate, the very sin they should work to eliminate.
Until individual clergymen wake up to the fact that churches must fulfill a tribal as well as an individual spiritual role, they will continue to lose members, particularly among the disciplined, strong and successful, who would like to help those most like themselves but do not need a soft shoulder to whine on.”