Karma Warfare
Our Great War’s a spiritual war…
– Chuck Palahniuk
To the extent the happenings of the invisible realm determine those of the visible, one can safely state that untiring hatred is, from the cosmic point of view, as efficient as power of arms. The victorious Allies — or rather the Jews, who animated the whole show, — were, at the Nüremberg Trial, after the war, to put forth the principle of “collective responsibility” and (strange as this may sound from someone who has exposed the famous Trial as one of the greatest infamies of history) they were, in that connection, again from the cosmic point of view, rigorously right. Anyone whose heart and will have carried Adolf Hitler to power, whose voice has hailed him as Founder and Leader of a new world, was and remains morally responsible for all that has been is or ever will be done in his name and in his spirit. I am the first one to accept this fact. And I accept it joyfully, with pride, as far as I am personally concerned. On the other hand, the principle of collective responsibility cannot be restricted to any particular group of people to the exclusion of other groups. It holds good for all those who admit a bond of solidarity with brothers in faith — or be it brothers in hatred — and, in particular, for all Anti-Nazis, whether they be ill-informed or not, intelligent or not, capable or not of judging in full liberty. A child of ten who sat before his parents’ wireless in Calcutta or Shanghai, and was glad to hear the news of the Allied landing in Normandy — 6th of June 1944, — is responsible for the world-disaster of 1945. A child of ten who, in Sidney or Melbourne or San Francisco, added his voice to the chorus of hatred against the accused of Nüremberg, is responsible for the death (or long imprisonment) of those men, and bears his share of the infamy of the historic Trial.
As I said before, the Second World War is nothing less than a monstrous crime for which practically the whole world is collectively responsible — a collective crime of the whole world against its Saviour, Adolf Hitler, against National Socialist Germany, against Aryan man and the possibilities that lie within him. It is the crime of the whole world which has completely yielded to the law of Time, i.e., the law of decay and death, against the last — or one before the last — grand scale expression of the age-old counter-tendency “against Time,” which the natural aristocracy of blood and character — the élite of the Aryan race — has been embodying, more and more consciously, for centuries already. Among the millions who bear the guilt of it, the German Anti-Nazis — from those high officers who, on the 20th of July 1944, attempted Adolf Hitler’s life, to the most unimportant and inactive opponents of the National Socialist régime — occupy a special place, or rather, have a special significance. Being Germans, — the Führer’s own countrymen, whom he so loved — they represent more than any others the waste of natural Aryan virtues in the service of untruth; the grip of the Dark Age even upon the finest race of this earth; the defiling of the Aryan mind through false teachings of “humanity” and principles in contradiction with the laws and purpose of Life. And one should add that, along with them, and to a hardly lesser degree, all Anti-Nazis of Nordic stock — Norwegians, Danes, Dutchmen or Britishers (or Americans of Nordic origin, such as the sinister “Crusader to Europe,” Dwight Eisenhower, himself) — represent the same. For National Socialist Germany was not fighting the war imposed upon her for herself alone, but for the whole of higher mankind; for the reassertion of the eternal natural values and of the natural human hierarchy, i.e. for the rule of truly higher mankind upon this earth (irrespective of “nationality” in the narrow sense of the word).
– Excerpted from Savitri Devi’s The Lightning and the Sun
Cosmic Order entails the proper hierarchy of all human and non-human life in accordance with Divine Providence’s will. It stands in stark contrast to the Cosmic Entropy and Death promulgated by agents of the Dark Forces. In this grand battle, in this cycle, at the highest level, these two forces duel to determine whether or not time can continue. Cosmic Struggle permits no bystanders, as our thoughts/actions have ramifications beyond our wildest dreams – this is the great chain of causality. As our Priestess illustrated above, even the casual hatred of the Menschenmaterial can manifest in ruin. Imagine what our karma is capable of in comparison! Lend your heart to the Great Cause – anything less is treason.