Charlie And The Football: Conservatives Never Learn
somehow the right-winger will still charge to the polls every few years, do they like the abuse?
Volkish readers know that System elections are ridiculous performances put on every few years to wow the mass of idiots. But many of us have friends and peers who still cling to the false hope of conservative politics.
As election season approaches again, I feel that this letter written to Instauration magazine (and the cutting reply given by Oliver) may prove useful in at least embarrassing those still suckered by Republican politicians. The resemblance to current talk about Trump and ‘taking over’ the GOP is truly uncanny.
May 5th, 1980
Dear Mr. Dietz,
This Election year affords conservative and racialists an opportunity unlike any other, even 76’. In 1976, we were not so close to utter catastrophe as we are now. Which is why I am actively working in the Regan campaign. I realize Regan is far from perfect, yet there is no other choice. Even Nixon, crook that he was, was no match for Carter and his ineptness. At the height of ‘Watergate’, things had not eroded to the point they are now. I am also working to elect good men to Congress, because Congress is the key to winning back lost and threatened freedoms. It would be nice to have a right-wing President and Congress for a change! In a recent appearance, Regan was jeered by a mostly black audience, when he exclaimed, ‘If I were in favor of war, I’d declare one on you jokers.’ RONALD REGAN IS OUR BEST BET. I am aware that Regan is pro-Israel, but I am betting he’ll reverse his stand after election.
R.G.B. from Michigan
Sorry, R.G.B., but we simply cannot share your enthusiasm for either Regan or for conservative congressmen. Once elected, they’ll soon find out from which direction the wind is blowing and will follow the party line prescribed by the Jew manipulators behind the scene, or else. Yes, ‘conservative’ and ‘democratic’ talk is music to the ears of the ‘masses of asses’, but, have you asked ‘conservative’ Regan or your ‘conservative’ would-be Congressman what they intend to do about the Federal Reserve Act—the main tool of enslavement to the international Jew bankers—about Jew catch-as-catch-can capitalism and support for the bandit state of Israel? Our suggestion: save your breath and your efforts. Neither of these ‘institutions’ is likely to be attacked by either ‘conservative’ Regan or ‘conservative’ Congressmen. Once in office, they’ll go right on playing the ‘left-wing right-wing’, ‘democratic republican’, ‘two-party system’ of deception.