Big Brother, the System, and the Establishment
The time is overdue for us to get a few terms and definitions down pat. What we deal in are not simply cue-words or catch-phrases but actual, functioning people and things that make up the reality of the circumstances we are forced to deal with. The Left has been the master of the art of the blurb, of garbage semantics with their famous ones such as “imperialism”, “racism” and “fascism”. If any of these things were real then it is doubtful whether we in the Movement would have felt ourselves constrained to declare war on the society as it stands. Indeed, we should feel perfectly at home sharing positions of wealth and power alongside the ruling class were this the case (which is actually what the modern-day Leftist ARE doing). And so we do not deal in fable; we deal in fact.
In previous segments we have spoken of the Establishment and many would object right away that we are lifting the term from the New Left of the Sixties. The Establishment is a reality though concepts of it vary widely, and until a better term comes along we will stick with its usage when referring to the economic and social goings-on in the nation and the world today. These are your big and little money people who make it possible for this stricken monster, the System, to continue lurching forward yet another step, then another. They buy us time and yet they condemn us to a longer sentence. Some of them pay pretty good lip service to some of the Movement’s more conservative aspects but they do not lend any appreciable support to the Movement for the implementation of its program. They like this Capitalist System and only really resent the bigger, official Capitalists who are ripping off the rip-offs. The Establishment is corrupt, complacent, reactionary and business-as-usual.
The System is a term not so frequently used by the Left in the past because to glance at it too closely would reveal that the same ideals are postulated by BOTH except that the phony “revolutionists” are in a bigger hurry than are the Kennedy-type Establishmentarians. We use the term ‘System’ in place of the word ‘government’ because what controls America and the whole West today are not governments, they are faceless tyrannies, branch offices of a single monstrous SYSTEM. When we speak of the thousands of interchangeable, expendable parts of the alien, inhuman bureaucracy, we speak of the System. From police to welfare bureaucrats, to city, local, state and national appointees and so-called “elected officials”; from prison administration to the Armed Forces; those who either represent the System or who are in the employ of the System ARE in fact the System itself. High and low it is marked by the overweening drive to entrench itself ever deeper into the body of the nation – like the parasite that it is – to evade any and all real responsibility, and to regulate the lives of everyone it can in as minute detail as the System “legislators” can clear a “legal” path for it to do so.
When we speak of ‘Big Brother’ we use a term which has been infrequently employed by the Right Wing of years past because, traditionally, the Right has been associated with “Big Government” or central government. The Right has had its share of stock dialogue phrases, not altogether accurate and tending to fall into the easy manipulation of its very opponents, the liberals, for that reason. The “Communist Conspiracy” of the Right, for example, has been looking more foolish as the years have gone by. We of the Movement are aware that most of this is in truth the CAPITALIST conspiracy of which the Communist segment is but a poor relative. So when we use the term Big Brother we mean, first of all. The Conspiracy in general (for, have no doubt, it is a conspiracy which is at work). We do not harp away on “Jews, Jews, Jews”. But this conspiracy is practically unthinkable minus Jewish input and control. We recognize that there is a highly disproportionate degree of Jews in the Establishment, the System AND in Big Brother which their overall population percentage does not justify. But Big Brother is the wellspring from which all the really noxious social, cultural and economic poisons emanate. It is the alien worldview which now permeates everything consumed by the public. Everything must have Big Brother’s seal of approval before it is marketable, printable, believable. It goes far beyond mere liberalism. It contains the greatest amount of DRIVE of any ideology or worldview ever imposed on an unaware or unwilling populace. None of its tenets or programs work in practicality. But no matter. The forces and resources of both the Establishment and the System have long ago been harnessed to CLAMP ON the dictates of the Big Brother advocates and their stated goal of total integration and everything that implies.
We do however subscribe to the old adage that, in order to kill an “ism” you must kill the “ists”. It is a general rule that in this ultra-sick society the members of the Establishment, the System and of Big Brother’s exclusive few share many common traits. The most basic of these is cowardice. And from cowardice comes repression. As we already have said, none of them will accept responsibility for anything. Their defense is their endless red tape. Their offense is their economic system (not to mention the press, courts and police). They hide behind the “law”. They are “officialdom”. They are the ruling class. If we are to play by their set rules, as we must, then one of them is coequal to all the rest, as guilty as the next. To participate in this anti-White conspiracy is a crime that shall be punished by death. And no appeals are granted by the Revolutionary Court .
[Vol. XI, #6 -June, 1982] of James Mason’s masterpiece “Siege”