The City Is A Dark Force: Dispatch From The East Coast
If you want to learn about the ghetto in your area check out this absurd site
I live in the core of a rotting East Coast city. It is architecturally magnificent, the best of 200 years of civilized White men — but these men are all gone, and so is their type. Only the buildings remain of their civilization, in a swamp of nigger predators and parasites. (There is plenty of ‘whigger’ trash, too.) Here in the core, sushi faggots, Jew lawyers and landlords, lesbians and career twats dominate. Rabble makes up the rest of the population. In a city 70 percent nigger you find yourself inevitably in their company. They are everywhere. And, brothers, I was “going along to get along” until a few weeks ago when two niggers pulled a 9mm on me. I got away with my life and wallet, and someone called the cops, but I left before they arrived. I don’t know if they ever showed up and I don’t care. I wouldn’t have called them because I don’t need them. The incident was merely life in a place with Africans roaming at liberty. Niggers feed on Whites. This is the imperative that drives all niggers — the “nice” ones too. They follow the White man to get his standard of living. Or else they live like niggers, i.e., they eat each other and sell their children. A male nigger’s greatest coup is screwing a blonde or redheaded White woman. Any White man who thinks that’s okay is headed for a necktie party. That day is coming.
There is no such thing as an “okay” nigger. I can’t look at any nigger as I did before. The only “okay” nigger is in Africa, or dead. In the meantime demographics and economics ensure they’ll continue to feed off us, take us down. That’s the Jew plan for us. I watch every simian now — watch his hands, his eyes. There are too many… And I can’t handle it well anymore. Either I kill them or I get out. The Jew problem behind the nigger problem, and the queer problem, and the Ms. MBA-hole problem, is like a leech sucking out the White man’s energy and brains. The ambient stress is always there whether you feel it or not. The city-dwelling White man, being strong, ignores or “manages” it in order to survive. No matter, the stress will eventually destroy him, make him do something stupid. In the meantime I imagine with pleasant tones a life without the necessity of casing every nigger male, or every White male who’s friendly. There is too much enemy energy in the cities, too many Jews, too many questionable White women. And a healthy White man wants to clean it out, hunt them down and kill them, kill them all. And if he can’t or won’t, the stress eventually turns him passive — then apathetic — then cowardly — then materialistic. He is caught in the Jew vortex.
The way to handle the effects of cities at this time is to get out. Yes, eventually the Jews and muds will find us no matter where we go. But the cities are finished and there’s nothing to do but let them go down. We can take them back later — if there’s anything left. But a White man cannot keep his integrity in a city. If he thinks he can he is either degenerate or deluded by Jew propaganda. There are no White cities anymore, and the niggers and muds are always sniffing out virgin White territory. The moron Christians and Unitarian Whites lick them all over, like a mama dog licks her pups. Only another decade or so will produce World Three urban conglomerations so filthy, dangerous and diseased, so hopelessly repulsive, no healthy White could stand them.
What will getting out of the city do for me? It will let me be White. It will give my kids a chance to know themselves. It will return my energy and mind to me. A low income is a low price to pay for my dignity and soul. If I stay here I will start hunting down and killing niggers and Jews — and I dare say if you stay, so will you. It would be natural to do it, but it isn’t the answer — yet. If I stay, corrupted White women will continue to remind me that the White man has shockingly turned away from himself. If I stay, I will witness more and more White people drifting into self-destruction. We need a new and dangerous wilderness. The White man is his whitest in such places. No wonder we’re going down — there’s no wilderness left. Let’s step back and let them develop… Sharpen your knives, White man. Breathe clean and wait for The Day.
Excerpted from the article “On Cities, Women and White Survival” by William Ventvogel