A Nature Consciousness Is Rising In The Urban Whites
The USA is now Rome. It is an empire and an empire’s problems will bring it down. The conversion continues. The psychwar doctrine is the essence of Christianity: equality. It is Christianity in its degenerate, murderous form. The Jews continue their assault against Euro man — for loot, for women, for power, and most of all, by their ineradicable hate for Euro man. The Jews now control Rome — or so we perceive. But do they really? Apparently the Jews themselves do not think so, because they are still pushing the equality doctrine. Vast regions of America remain too White. And there is also the issue of the White elite. Personally I believe that the White elite is stronger than the force of Jewry, and can stop the kikes if it stops cooperating with them. This is highly unlikely; the White elite is, in the main, just as treacherous as the kikes. But I believe a schism in the White-Jew coalition is inevitable. The schism will occur when ‘Kwa becomes so unstable that the White elite’s interests are endangered. This was the reason the elite gave in to the nigger civil rights legislation in the ’60s. It was to preserve peace, in order to protect property. The elite in effect fed the White working and middle classes to the niggers and are now feeding them to the Mexicans. It is possible also that some members of the White elite will become disgusted with the onslaught against their racial kinsmen, and revolt. This, too, remains to be seen.
The Jew’s fatal hallucination is that he can run a civilization. The Jew has proven that he can seize the psyche of 80 percent of the gentile population, and so must be their natural master. But this cannot be, because it would mean that a parasite could become a host. And it would mean also that the White elite was resisting the kikes, which clearly it was not. Thus I say that the White race is stronger than the Jew — ordained by nature the superior. Only greed has allianced White with Jew. This will end.
In the meantime it would be well if Whites stand back and let the equality/Christian cancer do its lethal best to the ‘Kwa. There is no way to stop it anyway. Keep in mind that the psychological and material battle-line will be urban/suburban versus rural. Once the disintegration commences it would be good policy amongst rural White communities to jack up cities and ‘burbs. I mean, accelerate the effects of their instability, as niggers and browns riot and kill for food, fuel, dope and money. Make the cities implode faster by cutting fuel and electricity and roads. This is meant to deny ZOG city populations as recruiting pools. Note ZOG’s strategy upon entering Baghdad last year. It allowed the animal underclass to riot for several days, in order to demoralize the middle and upper classes with theft, murder, fear and terror. This was effective in preventing a quick reorganization of leadership cadres.
Ideas novel to a culture always seed in the cities. Christianity caught in the dissolute cities of Rome, and spread out. It was trendy to be Christian. The unconverted were pagani (“country dwellers”). In the ‘Kwa today the dynamic is the same, with reversed poles. The hedonists are wandering Whites waiting to be anchored to the precepts of the old religion. The country dwellers are, generally, stalwart Christians. And while “Odinism” is not a conscious alternative to Christianity in the cities and suburbs, and might never be, a Nature consciousness is rising in the vacuum left by receding Christianity. We see it in the Sierra Club mentality of educated Whites. This impulse is healthy. It is temporarily channelled into consumerism and identity politics, but it will right itself. There is no doubt that the old gods are creeping back in. In the ‘Kwa today a renaissance is contingent upon the collapse of the consumerist economy.
What will result is a synthesis of Christianity and Odinism. Along the way there will be friction, even combat, between their followers. The Christians have a sense of hereticism. The Odinists live and let live. Some Christian groups will try to exterminate the Odinists. The Odinists, in response, will prove to be the superior warriors. And the nightmare will repeat yet again: White men slaughtering each other over religion. The intelligentsia of each side will recognize their ontological common ground. Jesus is embedded in the Aryan, or Euro psyche as a leader and martyr, and the Aryan needs the martyr. Christianity, a Semitic religion, has a “tripartite” god, which has vexed the White man’s logic. The concept is, of course, merely Jew fustian. See Dr. Revilo P. Oliver on this. By this Christianity has managed to evade the question of abilities in men, and geist in natural phenomenon. Christianity’s fatal shortcoming is its hostile, adversarial philosophy towards Nature. The spiritual future of Euro man will be the working synthesis. The brew will be extremely powerful — the most powerful ever. Let White men use it well.
-“Europa and the Geist” excerpt by William Ventvogel
Great article ! Thanks