The Estuary
Hence we affirm the strong God, the God of energy. Hence our ideal as well is not the long suffering person, rather the hero.
Germanic light religion was not idol worship and barbarian cult. Where could the eternal reveal itself to Germanic man purer and mightier than in that power that wrestles daily with darkness and
yet again and again remains victor, which gives earth life and fertility and human beings light and bread! And what is the yearning for light and for life other than the yearning for God! It was not the sun as a fireball that Germanic man admired in sacred reverence, rather the eternal force that the sun gave him, which works behind and above light, around which his being and yearning orbited. Hence he built no temples and gave it no face. Not out of inability, rather out of piety. And in all of us there still live a piece of the light faith of the old, of the faith that was born in nature, out of the blood.
– excerpted from Gott und Volk, author unknown
And He [Aton] represents, under His Egyptian names and in spite of them, and in spite of the historical connection of His cult with that of the solar gods of Heliopolis, an Indo-European conception of Godhead — the eternal Idea behind long-handed Lugh; behind the almighty Father-of-Light — “Lichtvater, der Allwaltende” — of the ancient Germans; behind golden armed Surya-Savitri — not because Akhnaton, who took consciousness of Him through some direct experience, had been influenced by Aryan people (specially by people of Mitannian origin), but because he — Akhnaton — was himself at least half-Aryan, and because, being so, he could not find a better expression of his inner experience — an expression that would both correspond to his direct intuition of the Supreme and satisfy his logical mind.
– excerpted from The Lightning and the Sun, Savitri Devi
We believe in a God Almighty who stands above us; he has created the earth, the Fatherland, and the Volk, and he has sent us the Führer. Any human being who does not believe in God should be considered arrogant, megalomaniacal, and stupid and thus not suited for the SS.
– Heinrich Himmler
National Socialism as a doctrine asserts that blood is the predominant driver of human affairs. Paracelsus has been paraphrased as considering blood a condensation of light. Our blood through the ages gravitates toward the light – the Source – in almost every circumstance and era. What is the Blutfahne if not a solar cross emerging from a solar disc in a field of blood? Does this not echo Akhnaton’s Heat and Light within the Disc? A clear picture emerges – the Sun, symbol of invisible forces and substances (God), heroically carves a swathe through darkness.
This is the Gottgläubig affiliation held by the most forward thinking Aryans in the SS. Why settle for avatars? Why cast bones at the feet of shamans? Why kneel (zing!) before priests? Why not experience Aryan religion’s estuary and go straight to the Source?