The Aryan: The Creative Force in Human History
In the second millennium B.C. the Aryans (the Nordic race) invaded India and established Aryan Culture there. A branch related to the Aryan created the foundations for the power and the flowering of the Persian Empire. Ancient Hellenic culture is likewise traceable to blood of Nordic immigrants. Painting that have come down to us, as well as descriptions dating from that period, attest to the fact that the Hellenes, as long as they kept their race pure, were tall, light skinned, light eyed, blonde people. The Roman Empire was founded by the Italics, who were related to the Celts. With the vanishing of the Nordic component—that is, with the disappearance of Nordic blood—the fate of these proud empires was sealed. The Goths, Franks, Normans, and Vandals, too, were people of Nordic blood. A renaissance took place only in the Western Roman Empire, not in its eastern counterpart, because in the west Nordic blood developed its creative power, in the form of the Longobards.
Remnants of the western Goths created the Spanish Empire. The spread of Christianity in northern and eastern Europe was in the main supported by Nordic people, and the Nordic longing for freedom of the spirit found powerful expression in the Reformation. It was Nordic energy and boldness that were responsible for the power and prestige enjoyed by small nations such as the Netherlands and Sweden. The successors of the northern Franks, Goths, and Germanic peoples created the might and greatness of France in the past centuries, and even the Russian empire was founded by Normans. The opening up of North America, South Africa, and Australia was carried out with unequaled success by Anglo-Saxons, the descendants of the Saxons and Normans.
Everywhere Nordic creative power has built mighty empire with high minded ideals, and to this very day Aryan languages and cultural values are spread over a large part of the world, though the creative Nordic blood has long since vanished in many places. Ethnological historical research has proved that the Nordic race has produced a great many more highly talented people than any other race.
Nordic boldness not only is a precondition for the martial exploits of nations of Nordic origin, but it is also a prerequisite for courageous profession of new, great ideas.
Taken from the NS school curriculum “Hereditary and Racial Biology for Students”
By Jakob Graf excerpted from “Familien und Rassenbiolgie für Scüler” (2nd ed.; Munich, 1935), 107, 114-115.
We need this sort of curriculum back in our schools.