Dispatch From Pennsylvania: The Ways Of Small Town Whites
So I was looking also for antique buildings and infrastructure: canals, railroads, bridges, ruins of the age of horse and steam and before. There were plenty, but unfortunately I lacked enough time to pursue what I wanted. So I pushed on for the mountains, content to read the iron plaques beside the roads. It is obvious that Pennsylvania is fertile. It still has many small farms, and her state department of agriculture has long been a model for others. General Lee knew what he was about when he invaded the Keystone State (to replenish the commissariat of his Army of Northern Virginia, and for shoes for his troops). And I tasted the difference. At every local restaurant the food was superior. The meat, butter, eggs, vegetables and bread far better than the processed whigger dog food served in Kwa shitholes. What I pay twice as much for in the D.C.-Baltimore Kwa isn’t half as good. Here is one result of local food production. And another is food security. Will the ZOG use food as a weapon when the revolution or guerrilla war starts, as the Bolsheviks did?
I reached Sunbury, where the West Branch of the Susquehanna joins the main. About here, I judged, was the limit of Colonial era settlement. Thereafter the infrastructure and artifacts appeared to be Jacksonian era or later. The West Branch arcs northwesterly. The population of the state is concentrated in the east, along the Delaware River valley, and in the west around Pittsburgh, the Ohio River and Lake Erie areas. The central, which is hills or mountains, is less populated, especially north of the West Branch. Here the Alleghenies run southwest-northeast, up from West Virginia and into New York.
Mountains are as powerful a metaphor and symbol as they are a physical obstacle. Some racial psychologies dislike mountains, and avoid them. Others feel lost living outside them. They are the first choice of redoubt for Whites. I said brick apes don’t like trees. Even less do they like mountains, which oppress their simple, linear thinking. Do not wonder, then, why a nigger looks odd in the mountains, like he does on a motorcycle or horse. The demands of moving through mountains or controlling a horse require beyond the horizon, empathic thinking. The contours and denials of mountains will turn you around. The horse, and perhaps the mountains, too, demand that you understand it.
The Pennsylvanians I saw impressed me by their manners and what I surmised of them genetically. The women were vivacious and healthy-minded. One of the best measures of the health of an area is the quality of its women. And they are of course influenced by the health of their menfolk. If their men are healthy and balanced the women will be. There are no separate tracks here. This could be of course the effect of the mere lower level of psychic toxicity. Kwa Whites are pathological to some degree, including myself. No one will contest the assertion that rural life is healthier. It might be dull, and lacking culture, but it is the place to be if you want to survive and if you want to avoid the ZOG gulag, a fate which seems increasingly possible to me as I view the deteriorating security in Kwa areas, wherein a healthy White man wants to cap every fucking nigger in sight. The towns were clean and tidy. An environment of course is the outward manifestation of a people’s interior condition. No outside influence (not even talmudvision) can overcome this general influence of the dominant population except by military conquest.
But the weakness of an insulated White population is naiveté. The niggers it sees on talmudvision are sanitized. Thus, these Whites tend to hate “racism,” having no experience with typical niggers. Exposure to typical city niggers would force them to one or the other corner, the Pollyanna or the National Socialist. National Socialism is an encapsulation of Franklin’s “hang together or hang separately.” admonition. National Socialism is the politics of White survival. The clear-thinking, quiet Whites are in the National Socialist corner. The Pollyannas are in the hope corner. The Pollyannas are our meat when the time comes. For an education the Pollyannas should live for a time in places like KwaPhiladelphia, KwaDetroit, KwaBaltimore, etc., to test their beliefs — if they are not merely parrotting ZOG propaganda (most are). Take a walk on the real side, hon. Take a walk down North Avenue.
On the pleasant side, Pennsylvania in these parts must be trout central. In the mountains you see their water. The streams come crashing out of dark timber, foaming over stones. They are abundant and beautiful. The millions of acres of forest land are under state control. Most are recovering timber areas. There are but two ways I can see of making a living in them: logging or mining. Pennsylvania has coal but those operations are, I believe, in the southwest. Logging continues also but apparently much less than before. Consequently some of these towns are fading.
As always, the Kwa’d White man experiences a double-disorientation: the absence of filth and danger, and the slower paces, are elements that have formed his bio-neuronic being. Absent, he tends to disbelieve the nature of rural areas. This passes in a few days. But you can almost feel the eyes on you in a small town. You tend to watch your manners, remember your rough spots. I admit I have not tried small-town life and further make no posturings that it is the answer. But if small-town is not my fate or yours then maybe we are to stay and take back the great cities our ancestors built.
I saw naivete not restricted to Pennsylvania. It disgusted me, although I understand it. One was “patriotism” of the sort ZOG likes. Yellow ribbons, Kwa flags, banners (“Proud Parent Of A U.S. Marine”), etc., over which a White man burnt out on ZOG life will shake his head. Why is the rural man less cynical? Asked another way, has he a reason to be less cynical, when he can get the information available to city dwellers on the Internet? Why does he hew to the older views? Is it not propaganda alone that works him this way, but population density. In high-density areas we see the indicators of a government’s nature more so than in rural areas. I mean, the effects of its policies. If the population is generally a piece of shit then the government is a piece of shit. Clean governments pull populations upwards. A degenerate one is like a schoolyard swing; the metaphor being that it continues to move while it sucks the energy from society’s motion, until it is exhausted and stops at the nadir.
The general attitude of the men I saw is, as I said, to be seen in rural areas everywhere. It is inspired by talmudvision. It is that stupid, consumerist macho of SUVs, tires, beer, monkeyball, etc. Yes, it is to be seen in the suburbs, too. But it is deep in the rural man’s mind. He gets away with it. I realize of course that I am judging from a passing train. But I have an accretion of experiences many Whites don’t have. That “God Bless America” syndrome is a liability now, a defect in the survival mechanism. A 19-year-old country boy, who enlists in the Airborne or Marines and is sent to a bankster operation like Iraq or Georgia, is a piece of meat for the Jew-corporation cartel. Every flag, sticker, and military symbol you see on their trucks reminds you of that suicidal old machismo. It is still strong out there. And the guys do get on your nerves. They tailgate you down mountain roads, their fog lamps flooding your eyes. They know where they are going, know their land and their ways, they think. That apparent certainty they possess bothers you. That SUV hoggishness of the ZOG lemming is something that needles you. You wonder what could wake them up. But it is not my worry or yours. They will shift when the danger is apparent, and some of them are with us already. Further, our “mission” is to survive and procreate, not proselytize.
But I will say this: I’d like to pen these morons behind “invisible fences,” like dumb dogs who bark too much and chase cars. I’d put electronic collars on them. They’d run around, thinking they are “free.” Everything they need will be behind the fence. They’d work, drive their trucks, and on weekends drink beer and watch niggerball. Once in a while they would be permitted to cull the deer and have sex with their women. They’d keep the gene pool going and create beautiful daughters for our edification, delight and survival.
By William Ventvogel, excerpt from “Dispatch from Harrisburg Pennsylvania”