Monthly Round Up: September 2018
yep, the lack of wealthy donors to Volkish Project has forced me back into the economy
We are three months old now. This month saw a slight dip in stats–the Jews did this:
July: 1,790 views and 415 visitors
August: 3,642 views and 712 visitors
September: 3,098 views and 546 visitors
France stepped up its game and became the second country with the most views after ZOG central. Interesting development. Is there a truly Vokish French movement now that Venner is gone?
Our most viewed posts were Volkish Workout Report and The Natural Man Is Always Suspicious And Bloody-Minded
Jake, Lucas and Randolph all contributed pieces this month, as they must do.
I was really happy with our interview with Volkish Elder Frank DeSilva–it was probably the best thing we put out last month.
The Volkish workout was successfully documented as promised. We will continue to document this once a month to inspire the Volk.
We added 29 new posts in September, which makes us a bit short of a post a day. Why tho?
Because we haven’t yet met our prince who will start employing Volkish Project members full-time. Mo money, mo posts as they say. Until then, I will slave for ZOG because I must eat.
To the olds–who may have money to spare–reading from behind the screen right now, think about how many people are employed full-time to brainwash the Volk. All government employees, NGO flunkies, church drones, school “teachers”, media scum..the list goes on. An army pumping poison into the minds of our people every single day. How many are working full-time to elevate and enlighten the Volk? Pretty much nobody.
I dont like to end on a low note, but thats the truth. The good news is that we at Volkish Project are fanatics and idealists…so we will continue to work even if the zogbacks are not forthcoming!
Hail the Volk
Blake Hood