We Are Odin’s Awakened Army
In fact, “I have no problem with Nazism,” Max Hyatt (1998) declared, “but we should not talk about those things publicly,” as it attracts unwanted attention to no avail. “It’s obvious that National Socialism will never make a comeback. All that energy is being wasted. When I meet [NS activists] I used to say, ‘Hey, why don’t you come to our meeting.’”
He singles out Jewish people as the special enemy to the white race, cleverly enticing unknowing whites to support their scheme for world domination. Through Christianity, the Jews “have the white race sending energy to Jehovah, to Yahweh. The Jewish God! The ancestral god of the Jewish race! He’s not the all powerful god that Christianity wants to portray him as, he’s just a Jewish God,” Hyatt ardently exclaimed. “The Jews are our enemies [but] they don’t know when to quit. They won’t stop, they just want more and more and that’s gonna help bring about Ragnarok actually. One of the mechanisms, the catalyst, that will make Ragnarok occur.” Hyatt believes in the coming of a “gigantic Ragnarok of biblical proportions” that will “engulf the planet.” Odin is gathering his people, and Hyatt is convinced that Asatruers will affect the way Ragnarok occurs. “Odin has a plan. I am very aware of it. Valgard is aware of it. McNallen is aware of it. Odin has a plan. I’ve seen it. You can feel it. Sometimes [I get] specific instructions, sometimes its very obscure.” Hyatt was divinely instructed to establish a prison-outreach ministry that by 1998 reportedly catered to one thousand prisoners in the United States.
[The convicts are] Odin’s army, we are Odin’s godar, and I do believe that the godar have been raised from the dead, you can say, as Christianity killed us, and we’ve been dead for a thousand years, and now we have awakened and it’s many of us, and I felt that these guys in the prisons, they are the army of the godar, these are the people who will fight to the end. They don’t have any qualms of cutting somebody’s throats, and at some point it may come to that. I don’t know if it’s gonna be a race war, a religious war, a political war, all of it probably, and we need people in Asatru who are willing to kill without mercy, and these people have the experience. (Hyatt 1998)
Mattias Gardell, excerpted from “Gods of the Blood: Pagan Revival and White Separatism” (2003)