The Greatest Voice Wins
White men in their frustration want to smash and burn the Jew and capitalist regime. But only proper timing and leadership can bring this about. The timing is a force outside our control and will come of itself. Leadership is another animal. The demographic trends in Euro areas are discouraging, and one is thrown back upon these eternal questions: how much do numbers matter? Why do some men believe in a thing unto death, and others would perish to achieve the opposing vision? What can serve white men if this is essentially a matter of will? How can the right men emerge from this perpetual equivocation?
Part of the answer is, of course, the control of the Magnavox, the great voice. Man hungers for the larger view. He needs orators. The voice that becomes greatest will prevail. I’m referring of course to the media monster, control of which means, literally, survival or destruction for the Euro man. Leadership is, then, about breaking the enemy’s voice and offering an alternative Magnavox. It is competition amongst competing great voices that controls and ultimately holds the fate of peoples. The winner gets the people. Thus our Jew parasites can tolerate no media competition. Thus they, by many means, suppress our gifted communicators—by reputation terror, even incarceration and murder.
William Ventvogel