Ordinary Housewives Will Be Valkyries And Scholars Will Be Warlords
Compared with [Christian] Identity, though, Odinism stands a far better chance of taking hold in the Swedish milieu, Soderman believes, and he expresses relief in not having to rely on the Bible as the unadulterated word of God. “There is no absolute, dogmatic truth in Odinism. Instead, you need to find out the truth by yourself. It’ll grow from within, through your own contact with the gods of the blood.” Moreover, the bible forbids Soderman to have any contact with atheists, but through the 14 Word Press, he can “get back on the NS scene, cooperating with anybody anywhere who fights for the 14 words.”
Soderman hopes that Odinism will be a three-step rocket. First, he will concentrate on translating Wotansvolk material, posting it free on the Web, ready for use by any Odinist kindred out there. In the long run, Soderman hopes to establish an Odinist commune, along the lines drawn by Jost. These preliminary steps are taken in the wider context of an envisioned Aryan revolution.
Swedish society is becoming more and more materialistic. What we’ve got is watered down New Age spirituality and an effeminate Christianity that teaches about this God of Absolute Love who has put us in a world governed by the stern laws of nature. That’s a contradiction that will grow increasingly acute, making people want to return to the laws of nature. It’ll be like in Germany. Hitler was a catalyst for an awakening people…The force of redemption will emerge out of the collective unconscious. We, here in the Nordic countries, have this special, pure quality deep down within us. We have a greater chance to wake up our dormant warrior spirit. But I think it needs to get worse before it will happen. A majority of Swedes are confined as it is today. But when it gets worse, then this mysterious thing will reawaken form within. History has proven it. Ordinary housewives will be Valkyries and scholars will be warlords. We will fight again and we will win.
Mattias Gardell, excerpted from “Gods of the Blood”
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