Principles of Self-Defense
Firearms ownership by non-state actors is an essential feature of European settler societies. Access to arms (fire and otherwise) has been the hallmark of our conquering ancestors. Projectile weapon technology, coupled with superior organizational capabilities, fulfilled our Manifest Destiny on this continent. Specific types of firearms were not restricted at the national level until the Roosevelt regime signed the National Firearms Act (NFA) of 1934 into effect. Since then, the System has erected a complex legal framework around firearms. A firm grasp of this framework’s nature and intent is crucial to the informed White man and woman. Trivial firearm violations are one of the System’s favorite pretexts to slaughter Volkish assemblies.
Gray Areas
The System’s Laws are chains for Volkish Whites and cobwebs for our mortal foes. Appeals to Constitutional Liberty™or classical liberal fallacies will fall on deaf ears. Standing on anything other than solid legal precedent in a self-defense scenario beckons the iron law of Murphy. You will not receive the benefit of the doubt. At best, your use of a quasi-legal firearm/device in a quasi-legal scenario will rack up years of billable hours for attorneys. Why be a test case for the System’s “justice”? Un-Volkish American citizens are renowned for their malicious ignorance. Minimizing and managing one’s exposure to them (badged or jury-boxed) is vital.
Layered Deterrence
Conflicts can be divided into two categories – avoidable and unavoidable. Our blood is much too precious to be spilled engaging in the former. To avoid unfruitful violence our persons and our dwellings must be hardened targets. A hardened target is layered in awareness, presence, capability, and will. Be aware of surrounding people, surrounding dwellings, and how you and/or your dwelling are perceived. Develop an uncompromising presence. Carry yourself with earned confidence and maintain an orderly home (inside and out). Nothing attracts quality (and repels the abhorrent) like inexorably high standards. A capable man can inflict measured, appropriate force against interlopers. A vast continuum of force exists between retreat and pulling a trigger. A capable dwelling offers more passive resistance. Sturdy doors, thorny bushes under windows, adequate lighting, metal fences, etc. constitute this layer at home. Will needs little exposition – one possesses it or one does not.
Consumer Hobbies Contra Survival
Self-defense has quickly devolved into a consumer industry during the last century. Hacks, charlatans, schemers, racial strangers, and more have used capitalism to divert our healthy survival instincts into unwinnable shopping contests against ourselves. If only our Volk could be saved by acquiring the latest gadgets! Our own Volkish survivalism is founded upon a categorical rejection of capitalistic doomsday prepping. Good consumers are not good survivors! Consumption means dependence on the System – a noose for our people. Caches of knowledge, skill, and real relationships take precedent over rust-collecting arsenals of forgotten weapons.
Helpful Tips for Navigating the Self-Defense Milieu
The vast majority of firearm/martial arts/homesteading/wilderness survival/etc. instructors and communities are vociferously anti-racist. Why? Because the System would annihilate them if they were not! Your mission is to obtain what knowledge you can without being flagged and dismissed. This is easier said than done. Their Constitutional Liberty™ beliefs, System jingoism, military worship, and philo-semitism are infuriating. Do not let the occasional off-color joke about racial strangers fool you. These jokes are almost always tests to feel out real ‘racists’ like ourselves. Recruiting from these pools is ill-advised–NRA members love their guns more than their race. If the reverse were true they would be in our camp already.