Monthly Round Up: October 2018
Volkish Project members celebrating last night
We rebounded from last month–in terms of stats–in a big way:
July: 1,790 views and 415 visitors
August: 3,642 views and 712 visitors
September: 3,098 views and 546 visitors
October: 5,365 views and 868 visitors
We added 35 new posts this month.
The most viewed posts were We the Folkish: Circumventing Enemy Authority and Dispatch from Pennsylvania: The Ways of Small Town Whites
We added a new writer, Freiheit, this month. Hopefully he will continue to contribute.
Several of my pieces were republished on National Vanguard, the magazine of the National Alliance. We thank them for the exposure! Volkish readers should really spend a few hours combing through the archives of Strom’s site–there are so many great essays to read.
Some of you have reached out to me in the last few weeks inquiring about membership or getting involved. This is encouraging. However, Volkish Project is based in the Northwest. Almost all of our members have moved up here. And until we get funded, I won’t be able to travel across the country and meet all of you [full membership requires face to face meetings], as I would like. In the meantime, continue to reach out to us here so we can start making connections.
Finally, a thanks to a supporter in the Midwest who donated 20$ last month. This was our first donation!
Hail the Volk
Blake Hood
I found your site via National Vanguard, and I’m quite impressed! We WV volk won’t leave here, because we’ve been here, some of us, for at least 350 years! Our blood, sweat and bones ARE the land!! I salute my brothers and sisters in the NWUS!!
Thank you! I don’t blame you, you have a deep history there. But remember blood comes before soil.