A New SS: Establishing Racial Strongholds
More and more people these days understand the ineffectiveness of the ‘mass movement’ resistance strategy. The population of ZOG is far too apathetic for such an approach to work today. The idea of mobilizing the fat, lazy, and stupid masses—who care only for their sportsball and show politics–to defeat a coordinated and powerful system is outlandish. Nevertheless, this has been the dominate tactic for the past seventy years in America. And in that time, it’s produced nothing but martyrs.
We need to shift our focus away from recruiting large amounts of driveling ‘alt-right’ idiots and toward to securing a membership of well-read, strong Aryan men. As National Socialists, a belief in quality over quantity is inherent to us. We should apply this ideal to people in the movement. Those who would call themselves National Socialists must live up to certain expectations and standards.
As a model of excellence, we shall look at an organization that fully embraced and implemented our worldview: the SS. The SS fully embraced the Volkish mindset. These were well-rounded men, capable of embodying all three archetypes of the National Socialist worldview. When called upon, they could perform their duties as a warrior, a scholar or a simply worker when needed. If you are not up to the standards of the SS, work towards improving yourself; whether it be in physical fitness, knowledge of our worldview, or a healthy spiritual connection.
What we must do today, is reestablish this knightly order. We must all aspire to become men of that standard. If we rise to their level, honor them, and continue the fight, then the SS men of the past will live again through us. Once we have improved as individuals and have become these new SS men, then we must form strong groups. As individuals, we will not be able to accomplish much, so it is necessary that we find our comrades. Train together, learn together, soon you will become an efficient and organized force. From there, we shall start to impose our worldview on ZOG and the rest of the West. This is the best chance our people have at survival. We must not and cannot rely on the masses to save us–we must take that duty upon ourselves.
Yes, our own orders are necessary. Preferably pagan non-celibate warrior-priest orders.
I favor Billy Roper’s ethnostate project. He has been writing about balkanization for a while now and has a whitenat preppers network.