Passing The Hitler Test
excerpted from Kalki Weisthor’s piece
Is [Karlsson] not aware that Germany went into WWII against all efforts by Hitler to avoid it, to seek peace with the West? Above all, is he not aware that Both WWI and WWII were started, fought and won by the Jews and their puppets, for the purpose of the destruction of Western Aryan civilization and the eventual extinction of the White race?
You don’t have to be an Esoteric Hitlerist to propound a path to spiritual awareness that I find valid. You don’t have to believe that Hitler was an incarnation of Vishnu. The master of all knowledge with regard to these events, Miguel Serrano, was still a man of his time, as we all inevitably are, and in bringing forth his own gnosis into the world – in speaking his own Word (thanks to Edred Thorsson and Don Webb for the concept) he made use of a wide and changing palette of images and myths from a variety of beautful Western and Eastern sources, some of which I find more useful than others – as each seeker should, and as I think Don Serrano would have encouraged. You don’t have to believe in the specific ontology I proposed in my last post, whereby our world and all its extensions are one of many possible emanations from the great unknown original, what some have called the Acausal – and Yahweh/Ialdoboath is not the imperfect creator but the false appropriator, the great pretender, whose disease is eating the planet alive and bringing the present age of man to its end.
You do need however, to believe in the Disease emanating from the Desert Demon. If you believe, as even Serrano did at times, that there is some good to be found in Christianity, due to the true spirit of the Aryan soul seeping through its Semitic veneer, I can accept that too. It is not required that your belief system be entirely consistent to be benign (though it helps). But you do need to realize that for that last 2500 years, his Disease has been killing us – and that it came to its culmination in the two Brother Wars of the 20th Century. That bloody sacrifice was the Final Battle, of which we are living in the aftermath, as the Reavers track down and eliminate the last drops of Aryan Blood.
Please believe, even were we, the last receptables of that blood (and who “we” are is a vital topic that will need to be addressed again) to be eliminated, the light would not die. As I wrote earlier today:
Our golden blood is what the dark magicians call entropy. It comes from what they call the Acausal, which is just incomprehensible existence beyond this limited form and physics. It cannot be destroyed because its origin is not of this earth; its vessels can be shattered, but we will exist, return eternally from beyond. Lit with the black flame, the golden blood illuminates and transforms. We can lose many battles but never be defeated. We are eternity’s first inspiration.
Forgive me for quoting myself, but that was going to look familiar to some of you…
You don’t have to believe that everything that the Third Reich did was perfect or divinely expired. You have to understand that the government formed by the NSDAP, which for Hitler was a necessary vehicle to come to power, to fulfill his mission, was an imperfect, real-world entity, ensouled and invigorated by the metahuman entity I and Carl Jung call Wotan; but Wotan may have been breathing close to his last breath. There was a large element in the NSDAP which was Conservative, and even Hitler himself, the man, had a touch of this. There was in these people much of the all-too-human, and therefore a good bit of that good German moralism which is so tainted with the teaching of the slave religion of Christianity and its Church. And there were lots of even less noble human foibles, of course. Please note that I distinguish here Adolf Hitler the man, the human touched by the Fuhrer and by the higher entity whom some might call Vishnu, but I think Wotan.
But you do have to believe that WWII was the battle of two entities – I call them Yahweh and Wotan for Western Civilization. And despite all the romantic thought of “winning by losing” – for in some sense, we do survive, on another level, to come back and fight again when the age calls us forth – Yahweh won, and we are living in the aftermath of that. The Third Reich was not perfect, but it was the last valid material-world attempt of Aryan man and his civilization to survive. Anyone who does not understand and respect that will not be my spiritual teacher, nor even my spiritual companion.
There are, in this dying age, still a few who speak of the nobility of the Germanic soul, and those people deserve our respect. Those include Professor Karlsson, and others like Edred Thorsson/ Stephen Flowers, who I believe has also spoken of how the legacy of the “Nazis” has hurt the market for Germanic occult systems. By making these statements, they are buying into the myth created by the Jews well before WWI for our destruction. I am not speaking of public reticence for survival; there is no need to throw ourselves into the teeth of the machine. We need not be neo-Nazi’s waving flags at rallies and providing easy targets. What we need is to have true understanding and respect, and to act from there. It is here that I am inspired by the 09A and its ethics and methods, the need to be circumspect and wise.
What I am speaking of is the impossibility of building a spiritual model, be it seen as evolutionary or survivalist but most particularly transcendent, of Aryan man, on lies. If there are flaws in the base the structure will fall. Unless you know that the soldier of the NSDAP fought for you Western man, you cannot understand what is wrong, what needs to be done now. These are truths that you must know to find your own connection with Wotan, or the hand of the dark man who will take you beyond this flawed world into your next incarnation, to true Individuality or Personhood, or whatever inadequate terminology you prefer.
Christians have destroyed my ancestors knowledge, built churches on their graves, and preach submission to something which doesn’t exist.
Hitler lived and died for the Germanic people, he gave his life for it and he followed that mission to his last breath.
Everyone that says different is brainwashed or a coward or both.
He was much like Wotan, trying to prevent Ragnarök.
Europe has spiraled downwards hardcore since 1945.
well said
To White Male Survival Odin does not seek to ‘prevent Ragnarok’. On the contrary He wills it on for He recognises that only with the ‘death’ of an old cycle can a new one arise. As far as Hitler is concerned his vehicle for power politics was the German, not the ‘Germanic’ people. I am sure that he did not view his mission as one of conservation but radical change. The nationality of the people he led is merely incidental.
Agree, he tries to delay it not prevent it and I also agree that Hitler did it for the German people, which for him were partly in Poland (nowadays), Austria and Germany.
That’s an important difference.