School For Corpses: Two-Thousand Year Jewish Penal Colony
this acerbic Frenchman’s truths are tough to take, so I will excerpt from his forgotten book…slowly
“Let’s get to the bottom line. The democrats want the war. The Democrats have finally got their war. Democracy = a mass of domesticated, divided, muffled people who have been reduced to vinegar and held at ransom. They have been turned into dimwits by the Jews, they’ve been completely butchered, hypnotised and depersonalised, brainwashed into absurd hatred and fratricide. Lost, thrown into a panic by the infernal Kike propaganda: radio, cinema, the press, Lodges, electoral scoundrels, Marxists, Socialists, Larocquistes, 25th hourists, anything you want, but ultimately it’s a Jewish conspiracy, a Jewish Satrap, a gargantuan Jewish tyranny….
Ever since Egypt, it’s the same old tune. Cheers! The crashing tightrope-walker, preposterous, the Cyclops whom everyone can’t stop talking about, day and night, with no hope of remission, the Jew at the forefront par excellence, universal, essential, admirable, against our nervous system, a grinding weapon which is vulnerable to submission, to total disintegration, perfect for exhausting us. The brazen tam-tam, the joy, the jubilant boastfulness, obscene, the feverish lies, this slimy charlatanism is what the Jews love (nerves of zinc). They find themselves in their natural state, Bacchanalian Hebrews, the soul in madness, the very same ape-like regime of exhibitionism degrades us, swallows us, knocks us out, leaves us to the mercy of the Jew by reducing us to exhausted anxiety, annihilating us! The Jew gains from noise everything which we lose in silence. The Jewish intimidation! The yelling conflicts! Politics! Anguish for gold, for gold! Dithyrambic propaganda, constant revolutions, constant disappointments, imposed ecstasies, Aryan hatred under every pretext, electoral, religious, sport etc… rekindling catastrophes with frenzied cadences, paradoxical relapses, suspense, of other even more tragic crises, epilepsy for everyone! The Goyim dancing to this rhythm, aided by cheap wine, wobbling, derailing, flunking, dripping away, renouncing.
After a few years of this detrimental regime, the Goyim are no more: just an imbecilic echo of all the pleasures of the Jew, brainwashed by chaos of these famous cackles. All he can do is cling to whatever the rotten Jew tells him to do. Nothing more disgusts him. He grabs onto everything he believes to have found out, with very little pleasure. For the drowned man, everything which floats is a miracle, the poor knackered old dog. The Goyim, plunged into the prodigious, torrential, hard-hitting Jewish carnival which has lost all judgement and even any vague desire of judgement. He reacts no more. He doesn’t doubt it anymore because he no longer exists. He’s brainwashed in school, and then in college and then monopolised, mechanized and inexorably worn down from the cradle to the grave. As soon as he opens an eye, as soon as his ears pick up the faintest echo, he doesn’t hear anything but Jewish lies, Jewish words, Jewish colours, Jewish rhythms, Jewish trances, Jewish gibberish, Jewish crusades, he’s like a fish in a frying pan. Whoever isn’t Jewish and tries to rebel against it ends up just becoming Jewish anyway. Everything that he experiences is just infallibly, inexorably and indisputably Jewish. He’s just sleepwalking among the Jews. He’s lost everything in the Jewish void, just as he gets a little desire to find himself, his identity and his soul; the Jew leads him wherever he wants him to go.
Democracies are simply dominions in the massive Jewish Empire, phenomenal, stratospheric drumming to accompany our torture devices and servitude. Absolutely irresistible. Who are the lords of this nightmare? Jewish banks, the Rabbi conspirators, (with or without heroin) the Secret Service, the English Judeocracy, the City, everything belongs to the Jews.
It would be far better if everything was like a roulette! Beautiful and monotonous!
The Great Jewish power knows how to handle small problems, tiny hitches here and there, wisely getting rid of them. Sadism? Preventative precautions? Games? You never know… The Jewish power is an unrepentant player, just like everything Jewish. They’re provocateurs of the devil, torturers, snitches, Masons. These arrangements sometimes go too far. But they always recover and rebuild triumphantly, they take risks but never lose.
At the moment, in Germany, Italy and Russia, in fact a little bit everywhere, the Jews are encountering some resistance… a certain Aryan racism. Oh, not particularly dangerous! It’s only weak, fanatical and timid. The peril is vague; you can overlook it easily enough! The über-Jewish USA has 70% of the world’s industry! The Jew saw it coming! … He got hold of all the funds… all of the industry… That how it’s going to go! No danger! He’s surely going to win! Just another day in the life, that’s all! For Barush, Bollack, Litvinov and Rothschild, a bit better than Baccara! That’s all!
And 50 million Aryan corpses to put things into perspective… Nothing serious. For the moment… A little shiver perhaps, or maybe worse.
But the Aryan rebellion might just fizzle out… it’s not out of the question! That’s the big chance! Ha! Ha! The divine and alluring risks… Stop! These faltering, probing pirates! A bit of “discovery” here and there! This Aryan pseudo-revolt should be crushed, annihilated, squashed, obliterated unceremoniously with sensational torture devices, with unheard of methods of cruelty, thrown to all four corners of the planet, a cataclysmic lesson! For these indigenous plebeian chest-beaters! All of them! Into the mass graves please! A decisive hand! Not a single one of these clumsy, crass chatterboxes has been spared from this all-powerful tarantula for 2,000 years! An expiatory sacrifice! Expiatory for all the hullabaloo of the opposition. The more uprisings and Aryan rebellions there are in the Jewish penal colony during these last 20 centuries, the more the war progresses, in its lovely, providential way. After all the slime and the blood.
We’ll still be talking about the butchery devotedly, admirably and ecstatically in Aryan cottages for twenty more centuries to come.
All of the pretexts will still be viable…nothing will be considered foul. Anything will do as long as the frenzied Aryans are massacred on a large scale and anyone in the military that poses any danger to the Jews: e.g. the French, Serbs and the Germans.
They’re going to cut us up and slit our throats right up to the last of us.
When they’re no one left standing, when they’re all fucked up and bloodied, the Jew will remain calm and get ready for the next one.”
-Louis Ferdinand Céline’s Ecole Des Cadavres (School for Corpses), 1938
1938, you say and more than 2,000 years prior this is written about? Before christian poison they won. The powerful Pagans lost all to the jewish-christians. Hitler lost, Rockwell lost, Ford lost. Today, every real and fake open or not “racists” lose. Nothing has changed, they have us right where they’ve been working for. And if history is of any indication to how this will play out, WE ie. Whites lose.
I wonder just how many “pro” Whites even have children, more than 1 offspring whom screech of muh genocide?
Driving away “purists” who wont tolerate all the altrightidiots who “at least” utter one good sentence.
Whites tolerate and with tolerance of always settling for idiots who “at least”…. Whites will lose
Whites are entering a tighter evolutionary bottleneck than heretofore. Many won’t make it, but we will come out stronger in the end.
I’d like to believe this is true. While I do agree those that are on this level ie. Reading the type of material on this site and maybe, generously, two others. We are in the vast vast minority. In this minority we are also spread out, which may or may not be a positive. also how many have children amongst this group?
Further, name one time in History, Whites have fought for the preservation of Whites and won? Not some jew war against each other. Maybe this war has yet to take place and that is what we in this minority are working towards? But if we just go by past wars, Whites lose time and time again and there is little hope, we can win this one.
I hope Im wrong and will gladly eat that humble pie if you turn out to be right.
Jews are the enemy, as Linder states, Team White is
it, if you’re not calling jews out at every chance, the blame as they have constructed, falls squarely on us. Using terms to dance around saying jew, only serves to enforce the jewish narrative that Whites are to blame. Whites are not faultless, we have traitors. But ultimately team White is team White and our opposition is the jews.
This jewish fasle blame on our own is why most Whites, refuse to take their own side. What is happening is just deserts in their mind. I do at times think and this may be a stretch, thats those who are awake to this level, are meant to be. And jews can be thanked, I guess (assuming we win) for thinning out the weak in our race. Maybe maybe not? This is probably giving them far too much credit, especially as the enemy.
Either way this site is really good.
From a biological perspective our fundamentals are still very very good. We are the the tiger that the jews have been riding.
In nature it often takes a long time for an animal to develop an immunity to a successful parasite. We are just finally getting this worked out (NS Germany was first step). Have patience, keep fighting.
And thanks.