A Volkish Take On Sex Relations
Woman lives more in being, man more in consciousness. To woman belongs the present, to man the future or the past. Masculine logic corresponds to woman’s feeling for measure. Man strives, but woman lives. Man is the centrifugal force, but woman is weightier. Woman is short-sighted regarding the far, man regarding the near. Man always sees aims and, thus, the abstractions at hand; woman first teaches him the joy in the real world.
Ludwig Klages
The proper attitude towards sex and the relations between men and women is one that is both natural and social. Despite all of the grandiose words that have been written about our ‘higher natures’ we are still animals and therefore we retain our primal sexual instincts. We do not deny this biological reality, but rather we seek to ventilate these primal drives in healthy ways that can benefit the Volkish community.
Currently, our people are encouraged to adopt lifestyles that pervert or exploit their natural sexual instincts. The normalization and promotion of these anti-social, deviant behaviors has corrupted our society and pitted the men and women against each other. This must come to an end.
Lesbianism, homosexuality, and transsexuality are not something of which one should be proud. Inter-racial sexual relationships will no longer be tolerated. No serious man aspires to live the ‘player’ life. Likewise, the ‘feminist’ attitude and ideology that many of our women have taken up must now be put aside. We cannot afford this nonsense anymore.
All of these ‘lifestyles’ tend toward sterility, lonesomeness, resentment and disease. Which is, of course, why they are promoted by a system that wants to weaken and isolate us. Their ultimate goal is to make it as hard as possible for our people to form normal families that can produce lots of healthy white children. And as was mentioned in the last article, without children, we are all as good as dead.
Absolutely agree
Women nowadays are brainwashed from birth to never rely on a man.
To be strong & independent
At school, they will learn to parrot the narrative and to obey the state authority
from the media and other people they will get addicted to capitalism
From social media and dating apps they will get STD’s, explosive ego inflation & the inability to bond with a man
In their jobs they will become more masculine
No wonder men and women don’t bond anymore.