Eat Volkish
What does a Volkish diet look like?
It is not a typical American diet, that’s for sure. To put it simply, and without getting into the details, the food we eat today is poison. The biggest reason we have a ‘healthcare’ crisis in this country is because of the horrible diet of corn-syrup and nutritionless matter that most people consume daily.
Thankfully we do not have to be apart of this sickness. The Volkish diet affirms the widely accepted truth that good food is necessary for a healthy mind and a strong body. But in addition, we recommend several changes to how and what you eat that is more in line with Volkish principles.
Cook 90% of your food and eat with other people when you can
Pre-prepared or store bought frozen food usually has excessive salt, industrial seed oils and a host of other chemicals that are not good for you. Learn how to cook a dozen or so basic meals and store them for later. Cooking itself is a good excuse to take a break from work or study. If you work at an office, you will find it satisfying–even meditative and calming if it is a simple dish–to do something real with your hands at the end of the day.
The truth is that going out to eat all the time is for old rich Boomers. Fancy restaurants are not Volkish. And you probably can’t afford it anyhow, so stop going. But if you do decide to dine out, practice Volkish economics and find a local restaurant that is owned and staffed by White people.
Traditionally, eating was a time to be with your family and friends. That is the old Volkish way that we must re-embrace. Today our people either eat alone or they eat ‘alone together’ (while watching the screen). Try having dinner without the screen every so often. If you have kids, no phones at the table should already be a rule.
Favor food that is local, seasonal, natural and ancestral
Reintroduce seasonality to your meals and harmonize with cycle of nature. Only eat certain foods if they are in season. This will create discipline and make you appreciate those foods all the more. Simple, nutrious and hardy are the watch words of this diet. The popularity of local food and the ‘farm to table’ movement is a positive and Volkish development that we should participate in. Eat raw food more often. Try drinking raw milk. Try eating raw honey, raw butter or even raw steak.
As much as possible, you should eat the foods your ancestors ate. This is more fun than essential (potatoes are not going away), but I believe that we are better able to digest and get nutrition from foods that our people ate 1000 years ago. What did we eat pre-new world contact? Pre-roman contact? This is something that must be investigated and privileged in our diet.
Create your own cottage industry
Pickling, preserving, and home brewing are all Volkish practices. Pick one and do it well. What you produce can be traded with your local Volk to grow the local ‘tribal’ economy. Apiaries (bee keeping) for raw honey and our sacred mead are also recommended. Cider is also Volkish—especially for those of us who have Anglo Saxon blood.
This is an excellent article!! Few things are more fulfilling than growing, preserving, and sharing food and drink.