Our Hour Of Deadly Peril
“At this moment of writing, I am too deeply concerned about the fearful catastrophe that hangs over my people to bother with what Gobineau, Spengler or James Burnham, the philosophers of history, might say about the situation. It is a matter of life or death that we are confronted with, and if life, then with what kindof life we may have ahead of us. I myself feel in my bones that our raft (or whatever it may be called), with all that we have on board, has got to go over Niagara. And what can even survive that, is a question. But whether in the end that fate is staved off or we are left hanging on to a desperate hope of eventual recovery from it, in one case as much as in the other, if we are to get back on our feet again, to recover our health and the strength that would go with it, and thus the direction of our destiny, then there are certain things that our people must be brought around to do.
Let me preface what I am about to say by declaring frankly that I am prepared to accept violence on the part of our people. The Jews’ hold on our throat is not going to be relaxed until we break their grip. Hitler felt that he had to take to the streets. All normal approach to his people was barred. Today, we are confronted with much the same situation here. A censorship perhaps as tight as that imposed in Soviet Russia virtually closes off our access to press, radio or television as means of reaching the public mind. Politics are completely dominated by Money. In consequence, solutions by regular Constitutional means may now be impossible. If we are not to be destroyed, then we must fight. I am not naturally a man of violence, but there is one thing from the thought of which I shrink more than from violence or its consequences, and that is the thought that our people may not rise to throw off the death that is being clamped upon them. Those who are strong on theory and moralizing, but weak on action, may object that if any gain is to prove real and lasting, the means employed must be compatible with the end in sought. But it happens that this is irrelevant to what I am saying. For the society I seek is one in which the use of force, in extreme circumstances, is accepted as necessary not only for existence, but also in order to make existence meaningful.”
-William Gayley Simpson “Which Way Western Man”