Step One: Remove Parasite
“The Jew, therefore, I do not hesitate to pronounce our Enemy Number One.
I am ready enough to allow, as will shortly be apparent, that we would be impervious to all the Jew’s machinations were it not for our own traitors and for our own weaknesses. And to many of our people, therefore, who would look for a solution less drastic, it would seem that if only we made the needed corrections in ourselves, the problem of the Jew would take care of itself. But I am convinced that there is a flaw in this argument. If a man has succumbed to an infection, do we confine ourselves to efforts to build up his constitution, leaving him all the while to struggle unnecessarily against constant reinfection? Do we not, first of all, undertake to clean up his environment, to remove every possible source of further contamination? As things stand now, the Jew holds such a monopoly of all the important means by which the minds and hearts of our people can be reached, that every move to reach them would be perverted, stymied, sidetracked, or counteracted. I am convinced that all our efforts to regenerate ourselves, to achieve a health in our social body that will provide its own protection against any invasion of deadly organisms, must, like our ultimate fate, depend on getting all Jews out.”
-William Gayley Simpson “Which Way Western Man”
Thanks for the article. As long as judism,Freemasonry,Illuminate,Zionism,Vahabism exist we will not be free.
Jewish culture (Zionism to be exact) is truly the cancer of this world and needs to be removed utterly