I’m 21 Years Old And I Don’t Play Pretend
(h/t TANSTAAFL) Boldings are mine. You can read Roof’s entire entry here
“To wrap this up. White people are pretending. Grown adults waiting around playing pretend. Pretending we are all the same and equal, pretending that nothing bad is happening, and pretending like they have a future. Well unless we take real, possibly violent action, we have no future, literally. I am 21 years old and I don’t play pretend.
I couldn’t go another day without doing something, I couldn’t live with myself seeing these things happen to my people and doing nothing about it. Sometimes sitting in my cell, I think about how nice it would be to watch a movie, or eat some good food, or drive my car somewhere, but then I remember how I felt when I did these things, and how I knew I had to do something. And then I realize it was worth it.
I would rather live imprisoned knowing I took action for my race than to live with the torture of sitting idle. It isn’t up to me anymore. I did what I could do, I’ve done all I can do. I did what I thought would make the biggest wave. And now the fate of our race sits in the hands of my brothers who continue to live freely.
I would like to make it crystal clear. I do not regret what I did. I am not sorry. I have not shed a tear for the innocent people I killed. I do feel sorry for the innocent White children forced to live in this sick country, and I do feel sorry for the innocent White people that are killed daily at the hands of the lower races.
I have shed a tear of self pity for myself. I feel pity that I had to do what I did in the first place. I feel pity that I had to give up my life because of a situation that should never have existed.”
-Dylann Storm Roof, Jail Journal (2015?)
He’ll always be a hero to me. But, dammit, his life was worth more than 10 million Negroes, be they young, old, in a church or on a street corner.
Hear, hear
Sickening that I everyday must Weap and Tread that I shall be forced to deal with the fact that My Family is friends with Racial Traitors and that I do not have options to do nothing about it D.S.R should stop sitting and crying in his Cell and do something more while he’s still alive even if so much as a jail prison rioting plot I guess also Dylann Roof knows how to treat Animals He Loves His Cat unlike these Charcoal Stained Mongoloids Lobotomy Experimentation Abortion Bait Heartless Creatures do always ordering K.F.C and other Fast Foods and Meats in Africa and outside the West
Dylan’s mother was single. One facet of this tragedy was the lack of an older White Man or even a brotherhood of fellow young White men in his life who could have given him support, guidance, and encouragement to focus his righteous anger onto longer-range, more carefully planned, more effective mission objectives in service to the 14 words. This is a collective failing which awakened White men of the older generations must urgently rectify, each in his own sphere of influence.
Yes. When I first woke up, one of my first thoughts was, ‘where are all the adults?’
If every white male did a Dylann Roof our race wouldn’t be heading toward extinction. But so long as the vast majority of us refuse to fight (and I do mean fight in the sense of actually spilling our enemies blood) our race will continue to head towards extinction.
this is true