Folkishness: The Next Spiritual Revolution
“Men and women from all around the world are realizing they’ve been had, tricked into believing they were something different than what the mirror tells them. Africans were told to follow Jesus, but when they realize who they are and who their ancestors were, they know better. American Indians listened to the Christian missionaries – as if they had any choice! – but the churches cannot compare to the lonely forest or the wide-stretching desert, the majesty of the hunt and the exaltation of the Sun Dance. And, yes, the men and women of Europe again hear Woden in the wind and the other Gods and Goddesses stirring in their souls, and they remember a better way.
We were colonized, all of us. Not just in our bodies but in our minds and our spirits. We gave ourselves to Jesus, or Allah, or to secular materialism, or to “muticulturalism” and to the shopping mall. But now we are throwing off that inner colonization, fighting wars of spiritual liberation, listening to the quiet, yet insistent, (and sometimes furious) chanting of the ancestors.
A hundred years from now the Abrahamic faiths will be a quaint memory, along with all the philosophies that try to tell us that our ancestors do not matter. “Why would anyone want to follow anything other than the ways of their own people?” we will ask ourselves. Eurofolk may ask it in English, or German, or Gaelic. Other folks will ask it in Swahili, or Yoruba, or Sango. Still others will use the tongues their own forefathers and foremothers knew.
And we will be whole.
Hail the Gods!
Hail the Asatru Folk Assembly!”
-Steve McNallen
“A hundred years from now the Abrahamic faiths will be a quaint memory, along with all the philosophies that try to tell us that our ancestors do not matter. ”
Thank you for this eloquent excerpt. I’m fully aboard.
Steve McNallen’s words stir the soul, but I’m not so sanguine about the prospects of Abrahamic religions becoming mere memories within one hundred years. On our plane of existence the tension between dark and light, good and evil, has been ongoing since the advent of the Aryan Race. Realistically we must, I would respectfully contend, prepare our progeny to the best of our ability for a protracted struggle that will last over many generations, perhaps many centuries. Judaism and its offspring are firmly entrenched among billions of alien peoples, have been appropriated and empowered by dark multi-dimensional principalities, and will likely remain aggressively hostile to our Race for as long as they exist.
Maybe I’m wrong. Hope so.
Things can change very fast.
No movement–then an avalanche.
But we must always plan for the long term you are right.