Liberalism Clears The Way For Our Emergence
[The following is an excerpt from an essay that is linked at the very bottom of my post on the Germanic Faith movement]
In Hauer’s view one was “reactionary” or “radical” and the escape from the former to the latter was liberal theology. Thus, Liberalism broke up the ground enabling the emergence of radicalism…
According to Hauer, the Deutsche Christen (German Christians) practiced liberal theology. For example, responding to a report in which the Nazi Uniate Reichsbishop argued “that Christianity is not an outgrowth of Judentum (Jewishness) but originated from the constant battle with it, and for the first time since the emergence of Christianity has a Volk dared to declare war (Kampf) on Jews,” Hauer replied as follows. “The thoughts that the Uniate Reichsbishop developed here are a typical result of liberal theology.” And against cardinal Faulhaber’s New Year’s sermon which rejected any racial connection to Faith and identified the assertions of Deutsche Christen and of Rosenberg’s Mythus (1930) as “a new Germanic or Nordic Religion,” Hauer answered. “Consciousness of the power of Blood that is the expression of the godly Urwillen (primordial Will) in us cannot be stopped by any human agitation.”
Thus he states, for example, in 1936, “I myself am convinced that German Faith of necessity demands the National Socialistic worldview, that therefore every German Faither must be a National Socialist … Likewise, I am convinced that the National Socialistic worldview, when it is understood and lived in depth, leads to German Faith.” But being Hauer, he added, “To say this publicly or to foreground it in our advertisements would be misguided and disastrous so long as National Socialism supports a ‘positive Christianity’ … consequently I have forbidden … that anyone say that National Socialism and Christianity are irreconcilable.”
Liberals and Jews are destroying the cage (Christianity) that protects them (and the world) from the Blonde Beast.
Funny how that works…
Yeah, once one begins to disbelieve in a heaven for breeding blacks abroad or tolerating Jewish Ghettoes… then what other reason is there to do it? Takes a generation or two for this penny to drop, though, but it is already hurtling floor-ward.