Bonded Revolutionary White Families
“I do not use the term in the sense that the Right Wing and the Reactionaries use it when they moan about the System’s assault on the family and how the American family has been atomized and effectively destroyed. This is all quite true enough but it has little bearing on what’s to be done with regard to the success of the future. Manson had the right idea about Family. It involved people of the same Race, the same Spirit, coming together for mutual security. Most may have turned their backs on their “real” families in order to have found the one, true Family but such is the case with regard to a struggle such as this one with overtones of civil warfare. Hand-in-hand with revolution, with survival, is the elemental component of the Family. It is really the only way the System can be destroyed, really the only way we can survive. Tribes of White Warriors, bands of White Men with their Women and Children who have drawn together and then pulled away from the System to allow it to fall without taking them with it.
This concept of Family is total. It of course begins with a man-woman relationship and grows outward, immediately following with children. In this screwed-up society, this will as often as not involve men and women of an age that has attained some maturity having gone through one or more “bum” relationships or marriages. It is a fortunate few in this jungle who will find the right mate first off the bat. We are searching and sifting, trying to build something out of the wreckage. We cannot expect to start off with perfection. We must instead have as our goal the constant struggle for perfection. The only true revolutionary is the realist and the only true realist is he who plays the ball as it lies. Men and women of good race who are compatible are all that is necessary. The will to live and to survive is the bond.“
-James Mason “Siege”
Nice to see White art with some Brunettes…
Brunettes aren’t white!
Please provide some scientific studies/references that support you claim that brunettes aren’t white.