Who Leads the Aryan Counter-Culture?
Mostly the sons of the middle class, drawn from the cities. This mirrors what we found in the SS recruitment earlier this year.
“A class background typology for the leaders of the Aryan counterculture ideologues presents a picture at odds with the stereotypical ‘white-trash’ thesis. Most leaders came from unbroken middle-class families. A minority was raised in the upper middle class, all sons of affluent businessmen. A smaller minority came from the educated working class, most of whom were children to families where the father ran his own business. In the largest category were children whose fathers either served as high-ranking officers in the military or who worked for the military-industrial complex as engineers or researchers. The second largest category comprised those who had an agrarian background, and were brought up on family farms…Some leaders came from families where the father had been university professors or policemen, and the remainder had fathers who worked as physicians, lawyers, or pastors…White-trash backgrounds were virtually non-existent.”
-Mattias Gardell, Gods of the Blood: Pagan Revival and White Separatism (2003)
“Three economic groups were not found in the DGB. They were workers, the old bourgeoisie, and capitalists. By contrast, civil servants and the self-employed, the latter included many university students, made up most of the membership (38% civil servants, 44% self- employed, of the latter 10% were students). Employees represented about 20% of the membership and 16% of the leadership. Civil servants were especially over-represented in the leadership. In Hauer’s Führerrat, 69% were civil servants (teachers and professors), 16% were self-employed (lawyers, physicians, engineers, journalists, publishers and artists), and another 16% were white-collar workers. The self-employed made up 53% of the speakers and of these 80% did work that was somehow book-centered concludes that DGB members and especially leaders were predominantly in disciplines and professions that were predisposed to be ideological.
Leaders were primarily political activists and writers as well as managers of interpersonal or inter-group relations with a special talent, and importantly with the time and vested interest, for propagating their ideas widely. Their influence far exceeded memberships in groups, something toward which Hauer, and for that matter all völkisch writers, worked consciously and systematically from the beginning. Together their influence greatly exceeded that of German Christians and Confessionals combined.”
-from the Jacob Wilhelm Hauers New Religion And National Socialism