Why Nationalism Is Passé
“The Folk exists in smaller and larger forms, ranging from the family, to the clan, to the tribe or regional community, thence to the nation and beyond to the race. In modern times, the conception of the Folk has been too largely identified with the nations of the contemporary states.
The feeling of kinship and community, which rightly expanded from the tribe and petty kingdom to the modern nation-state, has, however, become far too concentrated at this level. The lower and smaller, but equally important, communities within the nation-state have been disrupted and deprived of vitality, while the expansion of Folk consciousness from the level of the nation-state to that of the entire race had been checked.
Yet Folk-feeling, to be wholesomely potent, must flow from its roots through the local and provincial communities to the limits of the race, because the full security and prosperity of the parts can only be found in that of the whole.
Today and in the future National Socialism must embody this essential extension of the feeling of kinship and community beyond the bounds of the contemporary nation-state and conventional nationalism, so that the nation-state becomes an intermediate unit in the structure of the Folk, and its nationalism and racialism become integrally subordinate to a nationalism of the whole race.”
-Colin Jordan “National Socialism: Vanguard of the Future”
What is needed in the 21stcentury is racial consciousness, and eventually the corresponding racial-state (Volk-state). Mere national consciousness and the nation-state won’t cut it. Why? Because the struggle is now global (and in many ways, it always has been).
Think about it; if you could magically and instantly ‘save’ a particular white nation—say, your own nation–would you then be satisfied? Is that where you get off the ride? Or would you take the fight into the next country, the next continent, and work to liberate our racial kinsmen there?
This is why national appeals fall flat today, especially among the young and racially awake. “Make America Great Again” is all well and good, but it’s not just about America anymore. It goes much deeper than that. We fight for the destiny of all Aryans, and for all time. What will motivate men to go to the barricades in the near future will be words like White, Volk, and Aryan. “American” ceases to stir our souls.
This is why I choose not to adopt the NS label. National Socialism was a transition from old school nationalism to Pan-Aryan racialism. It was an important step, but not the final one. The pan-European Waffen-SS, that was actually majority non-German by the end of the war, points in the direction of the future.
Much like conservatism, nationalism seems like a step in the right direction, but it is ultimately a distraction and a confusion for people today. We saw the best that nationalism can do against world jewry in the form of NS Germany. This time we must address ourselves to our race in its entirety, if we want to win. We are therefore globalists for our own folk, as we exist all over the world. The struggle is for all the marbles, the whole world. All or nothing.