People Needed To See Trump Fail
Above is a visual illustration of the de-radicalization that occurred all over the movement during the last few years. The passage below was taken from a discussion on the forum of The Purity Spiral
Pessimistic commenter:
Yes, based on what has happened in former White countries in Africa and what happened in Russia in 1917. It’s very clear that jews are gearing up for a violent genocide of Whites in America.
Some can stay and fight if they want, but for those who have families to look after, escape is really the only option.
The existing system has to fail and people have to see it as failed before a truly radical alternative is possible.
What destroyed the Alt-Right?
It was destroyed by the belief among many Alt-Righters that our grievances could be redressed by…working within the current system…if only we presented them in the right way.
Our own propaganda told us that it’s not our system, that it does not work for us and that we can’t stop White Genocide by voting.
But “we” (or people who claimed to be “us”) ignored our own understanding of reality in hopes of an easy and simple solution… that we should have known wouldn’t work. Somehow, deep down, “we” still believed in the system.
Fast forward a couple years and it is increasingly clear that the system in the United States is failing White people and that there isn’t going to be a democratic solution to these problems.
And the Orange Jew [Trump] is failing to provide plausible, “good enough”, fake solutions to lull less-retarded people into complacency. The classic, stereotypical boomer-con simply doesn’t count.
From a big picture perspective, that’s what needed to happen.
Remember, the Alt-Right was not directly destroyed by the system. It was destroyed by “our” own moral weakness; when the going got tough, “we” decided to stay home and hope Trump would fix it.
Understandable, perhaps, but an option that needed to be removed before other stuff could happen.
System visibly failing Whites, controlled opposition failing to make Whites comfortable during their demographic demise equals unstable system, more opportunity for radical politics in the future.
European White Nationalists should be trying to get into the United States, if they’re bored with the phase where e-celebs tell you to support Zionist Fake Nationalist parties.
DS has been garbage long before the Trump worship. Roughly, it began with anglin banning of his iconic appearance on the Inconoclast show (whites need to be bred out) Copyright claims enacted faster than celebrities on YouTube against Scott Roberts for calling anglin on his garbage.
Then Putin worship, then the rape white women … Weev… anyway. Far more red flags litter that site.
What would WN be without controlled opposition? WN seems to be much like the kay kay kay, one probably well meaning real person to 6million feds.
Good point.
I got suspicious when I heard people calling him “André” which is a Hispanic name.
That is just a joke, Andre Wanglin is his “Asian” name.
One thing that I struggle with is trying to get my Catholic brethren from supporting parties such as Libertas and Coir and UKIP.
To restate, it is the Romans 13 mentality.
I haven’t voted since the Lisbon referendum was rerun. I felt dirty after that.