Travel, Of Course, Narrows the Mind
I’ve had the opportunity to travel throughout ZOG North America over the last few months. One observation I’ve made is a realization that travel offers you the outsider’s perspective. You’re somewhat immune to the decay and machinations of Juden in your everyday life. You’re painfully aware of it, but you must steel yourself against it to keep your sanity. In stark contrast to this, while traveling, you are more keenly aware of how upside down everything is and just how much of an inescapable death spiral the current system is in.
During a trip to New England I visited the gravesite of Howard Phillips Lovecraft. (Bowden explains Lovecraft with much more eloquence and vigor than I ever could). While at his resting place I thought to myself how much the old WASP elite had faded, ceded power to the Jew, and allowed themselves to be relegated to the dustbin of history. After leaving the cemetery in Providence, Rhode Island I drove past a kidney dialysis center where a van was dropping off obese negroes kept alive by the largess of the Spic-Nig cycle. I was both amused and horrified and I laughed out loud. I continued to drive and thought that this reality would be more frightening to The Old Man of Providence than any cosmic horror he envisioned. And then I thought of this poem by the man himself.
The Creation of Niggers
By H.P. Lovecraft
When, long ago, the gods created Earth
In Jove’s fair image Man was shaped at birth.
The beasts for lesser parts were next designed;
Yet were they too remote from humankind.
To fill the gap, and join the rest to Man,
Th’Olympian host conceiv’d a clever plan.
A beast they wrought, in semi-human figure,
Filled it with vice, and called the thing a Nigger
As California goes, so goes the nation. A truer adage has seldom been spoken. I am a son of the Golden State. Its intended future is glaring every time I cross it’s border; every tenth face is white, asiatics loudly gibbering to their offspring, it’s infrastructure in decay, fat mestizos waddle around wearing the latest jew pop culture clothing. In short, the jew is ascendant. I passed through the neighborhood of my youth, it’s signs now in a mix of Spanish and Vietnamese. I passed the elementary school I attended and remembered reading White Fang there in a class. It’s author Jack London was the most celebrated author of his day. London wrote of the individual, the American Frontier, and the wild. His views on race are as follows:
“I am first of all a white man, and only then a socialist,” he said, “The history of civilization is a history of wandering—a wandering, sword in hand, of strong breeds, clearing away and hewing down the weak and less fit,”
London especially opposed the Chinese. In a short story called “The Unparalleled Invasion”, the United States defeats China using biological weapons. It then invades and settles the land. Asia is the North American Europeans “Lebensraum”. This is as London said, “The only solution to the Chinese problem.”
Welcome to your future and the future of your children. This need not be. London knew it. “The only solution…” is TOTAL ARYAN VICTORY.