A Global Nordic Ingathering
This is the final chapter. You can read the whole book online here
“As the twentieth century winds down, the race best suited to shoulder the main weight of the evolutionary burden would appear to be the Northern European. Equally adept at physics and metaphysics, induction and deduction, theory and application, equally at home in the macrocosm and the microcosm, Northern European man has managed to soar a little higher above the animal kingdom than the other divisions of mankind. For the time being, two devastating intra-racial wars in the first half of the century and the dispossession of the American Majority, the largest stockpile of Northern European genes, have grounded him. Permanently or temporarily, it is too early to tell.
To put Northern Europeans back on the evolutionary track, to rekindle the Northern European efflorescence is a project of monumental complexity. Of all the Northern European peoples, only a rehabilitated American Majority, mindful of the history it has made once and could make again, would have the strength and the resources to bring about a Northern European ingathering — not merely a political and economic clustering cemented by military alliances and trade agreements, but an ingathering of race consciousness, the most lasting and tenacious of all social binding forces.
Should this pooling of the work and thought of a highly gifted but widely dispersed people ever be effected, there would be such a preponderance of power that no external predator would dare so much as touch the remotest corner of the Northern European living space, either in Europe, Anglo America, or Australasia. The minorities within this living space, no longer able to prosper from the divisiveness of their hosts, might finally learn to look to themselves for sustenance. Forced into unaccustomed self-sufficiency, they might well rebuild their own depleted cultures — and gain from the experience.
Such is the shimmering prospect of a Northern European ingathering, a Pax Euramerica, a world order more encompassing than the Pax Romana and more enduring and more constructive than the Pax Britannica. The Pax Romana, though Rome was ruled in its expansionist days by patricians of Northern European descent, was never willing or able to reach far enough north to envelop the peoples of Germany and Scandinavia. Consequently the first and best chance for European unity was lost.
The Pax Britannica, which kept the peace so long throughout so much of the nonwhite world, while establishing new white worlds in newly discovered continents, was dysgenically disastrous to Northern Europeans everywhere. Britain’s balance-of-power diplomacy, which divided and exhausted Europe for hundreds of years, was a major cause of the ill-fated twentieth-century conflicts that so significantly lowered the genetic quality of all combatants — with the British gene pool eventually suffering the greatest damage of all. Also, at the very crest of empire, Britain lost her most important possessions in North America, a racial setback of the most serious consequences. If the secession of the thirteen colonies could have been prevented — not an impossible feat for subtle eighteenth century statesmanship — the Pax Britannica might still be the mainstay of Western politics. Instead, present-day Britain is a weary little island kingdom, whose recovery awaits a new upsurge of the unquenchable British spirit.
The Germans brought down the Pax Romana by their victories and the Pax Britannica by their defeats. At almost any time since the Middle Ages, Britain could have dampened German militarism by supporting, not opposing, the historic German mission of defending the West against the inroads of the East. But Britain appointed herself the archenemy of European union, the same European union which would have nipped Bolshevism in the bud and forbidden the presence of Slavic armies on the banks of the Elbe.
The Northern European ingathering, its primary task the consolidation, security, and advancement of the Northern European peoples, would be the first world order whose geographical frontiers matched its racial frontiers, once the minority elements were separated out and either sent back to their old homelands or established in new ones. Such a genetically based intercontinental confederation, a radically new way of bringing a scattered people together, might overcome or alleviate some of the dangers to mankind which the crypto-racism of proletarian politics seems to multiply. There would be room in it for Russians and other Slavs of Northern European descent, now that the cumbersome Soviet conglomeration has fallen apart. There would emphatically be no place for the old-style exploitation of nonwhites or for the forcible adaptation of autochthonous civilizations to Northern European cultural norms.
But everything hangs on the fate of the American Majority. If its dispossession is not stopped and reversed, there will be no Northern European ingathering, no racial consolidation, no halt to the decline of the West, no giving the lie to Spengler. In fact there will soon be no America. History is insistent on pointing out that when the dominant population group goes, the country goes. As is daily becoming more apparent, the dying fall of the American Majority is the dying fall of America itself.
-Wilmot Robertson “The Dispossessed Majority”